🙋♀️ Happy to be part of the Renaissance of command line.
👩💻 Always welcome to get update from https://x-cmd.com.
🍿 From the original idea to X-CMD: typescript(finished. Then found deno.) => go(almost finished) => bash => shawk(shell + awk, Big Bang! Then three years of misery.)
🍿 Fun facts - I was inspired while staring at Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, queuing at the cinema.
🧙 YES. X-CMD is your infinite guantlet. The power of it comes from the open source tools. May the open-source campaign and those good people Live Long and Prosper 🖖.
🧙 X-CMD can be your mighty hammer, your powerful Excalibur over the cloud. Let's use it for the peace and goodness.
🧙 This is the way.