A Go Sdk for the NEO blockchain
Neo is a blockchain written in C# programing language which depends on Microsoft DotNet Core for cross-platform. More information could be found on the website https://neo.org/. GitHub Project for Neo is here https://github.com/neo-project
Go has been more and more popular in blockchain programing and decentralized application developing. The neo-go-sdk provides basic functionality to Neo block chain. It's designed to work with Neo-Cli node, not to relace it. With neo-go-sdk you can handle making kinds of transactions, create addresses, encryption and signature stuff, Neo script and so on. It makes developing Neo in Go more easy.
Just run the command
go get -u github.com/x-contract/neo-go-sdk
The sdk depends on golang.org/x/crypto/ripemd160 to work, use the command
go get -u golang.org/x/crypto/ripemd160
First of all you need a Neo-Cli full node. The neo-go-sdk calls Neo-Cli json-rpc APIs to gain access to block chain data.
You can create a node yourself, the tools and knowledge all you need to create a Neo-Cli node could be found here http://docs.neo.org/ . However you may want to have a quick start then you can directly use the official node without need for permission, these nodes are from http://seed1.neo.org:10332 to http://seed5.neo.org:10332. You can change port 10332 to 20332 for test net.
endata, checksum := neoutils.EncodeBase58WithChecksum(data)
data, checked := neoutils.DecodeBase58WithChecksum(endata)
hash256 := neoutils.Hash256(data)
hash160 := neoutils.Hash160(data)
key, _ := neotransaction.DecodeFromWif(`KzSToRnDi9V********************************`)
wif := key.EncodeWif()
key := neotransaction.GenerateKeyPair()
addr := key.CreateBasicAddress()
addr, _ := neotransaction.ParseAddress("ASMGHQPzZqxFB2yKmzvfv82jtKVnjhp1ES")
scripthash := addr.ScripHash
sig, _ := key.Sign(data)
check := key.Verify(data, sig)
UTXO assets like NEO and GAS was transfered using a kind of transaction called ContractTransaction. It's the basic transaction in all block chains.
If you want to make a ContractTransaction from your code you should first get the UTXOs for the account address which you want to transfer from. Unfortunately the Neo-Cli node does not provide the ability to get that from rpc APIs. So I have to achieve that by myself using a Block-Spider (or called Block-Listener).
Block-Spider fetch all the blocks in sequence and parse the transactions within those blocks to storage all the outputs data then filter all the UTXOs for any address. For now I'm using Block-Spider contributed by NEL (https://github.com/NewEconoLab/NEO_Block_API). The Go implemented Block-Spider is just on the way.
utxos, _ := neoextapi.FetchUTXO(config.NEOEXTURL, addr, neotransaction.AssetNeoID)
tx := neotransaction.CreateContractTransaction()
tx.AppendOutput(taddr, utxos[0].AssetID, utxos[0].Value)
txid := tx.TXID()
result := neocliapi.SendRawTransaction(config.NEOCLIURL, tx.RawTransactionString())
NEO smart contract is published and invoked by InvocationTransaction, with the script that push params and call to specific contract hash. In fact, InvocationTransaction just invokes a slice of compiled NeoVM script regardless of what the script means. Call to another contract or publish a new contract is some NeoVM functions just like others, there's nothing special except the cost GAS differs.
The result of the script is logged in the ApplicationLog, which you can get from the Neo-Cli node via rpc APIs. Remember to start the Neo-Cli node with --log args to enable the ApplicationLog.
Before you make a ContractTransaction you have to build your script invoked by the transaction. There's a simple ScriptBuilder in neo-go-sdk that works with NeoVM OpCodes and parameters. Complicated contract script like NEP-5 ICO contract script should be written and compiled using tools from Neo and finally transferd to bytes, then impacted into a InvocationTransaction.
sb := neotransaction.ScriptBuilder{}
// If you want to make an invocation transaction without utxo transferd
// then you need to push a random number so that the hash(txid) could vary on each transaction
args := []interface{}{205, addr.ScripHash}
contractHash, _ := hex.DecodeString(contractHashString)
tx := neotransaction.CreateInvocationTransaction()
extra := tx.ExtraData.(*neotransaction.InvocationExtraData)
extra.Script = sb.Bytes()
// If the transaction need additional Witness then put the ScriptHash in attributes
tx.AppendAttribute(neotransaction.UsageScript, addr.ScripHash)
// Perhaps the transaction need Witness
txid := tx.TXID()
rawtx := tx.RawTransactionString()
result := neocliapi.SendRawTransaction(neocliurl, rawtx)
There's some helper function that making call to Neo-Cli rpc APIs more easily, just like:
neocliapi.FetchBalance(config.NEOCLIURL, user.UserNeoAddress.Addr)
This could get an account's balance from a Neo-Cli node
The list here contains the job that I am currently struggling with. There's more work to do with the neo-go-sdk to make it more convenient to use :).
- Open-source MIT.
- Main author is @terender.