This project is a start point to develop Angular apps with apiato as backend. At the moment the apiato supported version is 4.0.2, checkout apiato, it's a great project!!. This project uses Angular 4.
Some libraries used on this project:
- ReactiveForms
- angular2-jwt
- @ngrx/core
- @ngrx/effects
- @ngrx/router-store
- @ngrx/store
- @ngx-translate/core
- @ngrx/store-devtools
- ngrx-store-freeze
- ngx-bootstrap
- font-awesome
- etc...
The install is as usual on any angular-cli project:
git clone --recursive
cd Hello-Angular
yarn install # or npm install
ng serve
Now go to http://localhost:4200 and test the app.
The main features of this project have been moved to their own repos, so git submodules are used to deliver updates more often, check those repos to see detailed modules feaures:
- adminLTE, the main app layout
- auth, auth and acl stuff
- validation, forms validation errors handling
- dynamic-form, dynamic forms builder
The app and the submodules has some tests:
ng tests
There is a lot of work to do, contributions are welcome!!
The MIT License MIT.