This plugin allows to launch CakePHP 2 application unit tests using JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ IDEA and PhpStorm). Inspired by this gist.
Add the plugin to your project's composer.json
- something like this:
"require": {
"xtntx/cake-jetbrains-test": "2.*"
###Manual Clone or download repository into your plugin directory:
cd app/Plugin
git clone
Load the plugin in your
Configure IDE. Go to
Run > Edit Configurations..
, selectDefaults > PHPUnit
and put your path to plugin's shell intoInterpreter options
-f {path to project}\app\Console\cake.php CakeJetbrainsTest.jetbrains_test
Tested on CakePHP 2.5, 2.6
##Known issues
Directory test scope is not supported at this moment.