Terra : Recon tool on Social Media Networks.
Clone the github repo
$ git clone https://github.com/xadhrit/terra.git
Change Directory
$ cd terra
For requirements run following commands:
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
For Twitter
Credentials :
You need credentials which are listed in twitter.yml file in creds folder for using terra.
You can find more about Twitter Api and Access Tokens on Twitter's Developer Portal
For Instagram
Put your Instagram's username and password in creds/insta.yml
file. And you are good to go.
Basic Usage:
~/terra$ python3 terra.py <username of target>
help : -j for saving results in a JSON file
-f for text file
ls: Display all Terra Commands
help: For Help
quit: For quiting the program
clear: For cleaning your terminal screen
exit: For exiting from Terra
reset target : Reset new target in command line
tweets : Get latest tweets tweeted by Target
favtweets : Get latest tweets which favorited by Target
followers : Get target's followers list
following : Get target's following list
info: Get overview and infomation about target
profile pic: Download Target's Profile Picture
banner: Download Target's Profile banner
htags : Get hashtags used by Target
ls : Display Terra Commands,
help : for Help,
clear: for clearning your Screen,
quit: for quiting,
exit: For Exiting from Terra,
locations : For getting Pinned location of target,
captions : For gathering target's captions,
reset target: For resetting target in Terra,
comments : For all comments of target,
followers : For getting follower's list of target,
followings: For getting following list of target
followers emails : For target's followers emails,
following emails : For target's following emails,
followers phone : For target followers phone numbers,
followings phone : For target followings phone numbers,
tags : For getting hashtags used by target ,
timeline : For overview of target's account ,
likes: Get total_likes of target,
mediatype : For information of photos and video of target,
photodes : For gathering target photos description,
photos : For Downloading target's photos,
profile pic : For downloading target's profile picture,
stories : For downloading target's stories ,
tagged': For listing user who tagged by target,
commenter': For getting all user who commented on target's posts
ttag : For listing user tagged target in their posts
Every pull request with good and understandable code :) is welcomed.
Open an issue on Github.
Every time you relogin in instagram account you have to delete session ids and cookies and from creds/settings.json file and put an empty braces in file like this
Python-twitter : https://github.com/bear/python-twitter
Instagram Private API : https://github.com/ping/instagram_private_api
Terra is no longer an active project. I am looking for maintainers.
For those who can't run terra after the recent commit
username: "username"
password: "password"