A simple imperative programming language built to make small games.
program ::= stmt*
args ::= ident? (',' ident)*
block ::= '{' stmt* '}'
stmt ::= expr
| ident '=' expr Assignment, variable definition
| 'while' expr block While loop
| 'for' ident (',' ident)? For loop (value only, and key-value version)
'in' expr block
| 'return' expr Return statement
| 'func' ident '(' args ')' Function definition
expr ::= number Float literal
| string String lieral
| array
| dictionary
| 'if' expr block If statement
('else if' expr block)?
('else' block)?
| true | false Boolean literal
| expr binop expr Arithmetic
| ident Variable access
| ident '(' args ')' Function call
| expr '.' ident Dictionary access
| expr '[' expr ']' Array/dictionary indexing
| '!' expr Boolean not
| '-' expr
| 'func' '(' args ')' block Lambda
| 'null'
array ::= '[' expr? (',' expr)* ']' Array literals
dictionary ::= '{' keyvalue (',' keyvalue)* '}' Dictionary literals
keyvalue ::= ident ':' expr
binop ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '<' | '>' | '==' | '&' | '|'
player = null
obstacle = null
func initial() {
player = sprite('dino.png', width() / 2, height() / 2)
player.y_vel = 0
obstacle = sprite('cactus.png', width(), height() / 2)
func update() {
obstacle.x = obstacle.x - 10
if colliding(player, obstacle) {
if obstacle.x == 0 {
obstacle.x = width()
if player.y == height() / 2 & key_pressed("space") {
player.y_vel = 10
} else if player.y != height() / 2 {
player.y_vel = player.y_vel - 1
player.y = player.y + player.y_vel
if layer.y == height() / 2 {
player.yvel = 0