Ansible Playbooks (and Roles) for the deployment of the XChem Fragalysis Stack application to Kubernetes. This repository builds on the work accomplished by our OpenShift deployment and yields plays that can be run from an AWX server.
You'll need a Python environment where you need to install the project requirements (for Python and Ansible): -
$ conda activate dls-fragalysis-stack-kubernetes
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml --force
$ ansible-galaxy collection install -r collection-requirements.yaml --force
To setup the AWX server for a specific cluster refer to the README
in the awx-configuration
Certain, sensitive, variables are located in the encrypted file
. This file should not be
committed un-encrypted and can be edited from the project root without
decrypting it, armed with the repository vault password, using: -
$ ansible-vault edit roles/fragalysis-stack/vars/sensitive.vault
The documentation is written in Sphinx. To build the documentation
which results in the main index page docs/build/html/index.html
run the following from the project root: -
$ pip install -r build-requirements.txt
$ sphinx-build -Eab html docs/source docs/build/html
The project documentation is also published to Read The Docs, where you can find pre-compiled copies online.