Sobbu is a cryptography tool with various encoding & encryption algorithm which also weaponized with hash cracking utility
Check Sobbu releases here :
Note: Available for Windows and Linux in GUI mode
[About Me]
Coded by Muhammad Rizky a.k.a XECTE-7
I'm computer engineering college student at University of Borneo Tarakan that recently diagnosed with curiosity for cyber security and programming.[Contact]
Instagram : @muhammad.rizky98 / / @xecte_7
Github :
HackerOne :
YouTube : Portal-IT ID
#XECTE_7 #Portal_IT_ID #DariTeknikUntukDunia #HMTK_FT_UBT
version 1.5
- Remake UI design
- Adding 16 new classic-cipher and modern cipher algorithm
- Fixing and separating binary, octal, and hexadecimal when encoding/decoding string/text
version 1.4.5
- fixing interface problem (GUI)
- install Sobbu to Linux system with
- uninstall Sobbu from Linux system with
version 1.4
- available RainbowTable bot : 5
- interface change
- fixing HTML encode-decode algorithm
version 1.3
- adding encode-decode algorithm: Octal, HTML, and Rot13
- fixing RainbowTable bot
- available RainbowTable bot: 4
- add GUI
version 1.2
- adding decrypt hash feature
- available RainbowTable bot: 1
version 1.1
- adding encode-decode algorithm: Hex and URL
- adding encrypt algorithm: various type of SHA3-*
version 1.0
- available encode-decode algorithm: Base32, Base64, Binary, ASCII
- available encrypt algorithm: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512