This project is created for DS-GA 1019 Advanced Python. It centers around building, visualizing, and optimizing an epidemiological agent-based model that builds upon the SIR (Suspectible, Infectious, Recovered) model to simulate how an epidemic may unfold.
Our main research question is how different vaccination roll out methods affect an epidemic depending on when the vaccine is administered, who that vaccine is administered to, and other variables.
Additionally, the project attempts to optimize the model runtime by comparing and combining various optimization strategies learned in class.
To run the basic simulation, from the root directory, run in your terminal
python -m basic_sim {duration} {num_agents} {infection_distance} {infection_prob} {minimum_infection_duration} {recovery_prob}
For example, you can run
python -m basic_sim 100 1000 0.05 0.3 7 0.3
which will simulate how an epidemic unfolds with a population of 10,000 agents over 100 days with 0.3 infection and recovery chance. At the end the command will print out the model's runtime and produce a plot of the population counts in the agent-based SIR model.
To run the random vaccine simulation, from the root directory, run in your terminal
python -m random_vaccine_sim {duration} {num_agents} {infection_distance} {infection_prob} {minimum_infection_duration} {recovery_prob} {vaccine_availability_day} {daily_vaccine_distribution_count} {initial_vaccine_efficacy} {vaccinated_recovery_reduction}
For example, you can run
python -m random_vaccine_sim 365 1000 0.05 0.3 7 0.3 50 10 0.95 2
To run the targeted vaccine simulation, from the root directory, run in your terminal
python -m targeted_vaccine_sim {duration} {num_agents} {infection_distance} {infection_prob} {minimum_infection_duration} {recovery_prob} {vaccine_availability_day} {daily_vaccine_distribution_count} {initial_vaccine_efficacy} {vaccinated_recovery_reduction}
{immunodeficient_proportion} {infection_probability_increase} {complete_rollout_day}
For example, you can run
python -m targeted_vaccine_sim 365 1000 0.05 0.1 7 0.1 50 10 0.95 2 0.1 0.4 100
To view an animation of the agent's locations over time, you can run
python -m animation {parameters}
To run the unit tests, you can run
pytest tests
Numba's jit compiler may be used in Python to translate the inefficient functions into optimized code. We use this compiler to optimize the infect funtion.
Cython may be used to translate Python code into optimized C code, and compile C code as extension modules for Python. Cython also allows for the use of C data types in Python. There are two main benefits of Cython:
- Speed: Use of C compiliation allows for fast execution. Note, simple numerical programs that use lower-level C may not see a difference. However, programs that use many iterations can improve by many orders of magnitude.
- Easy calling into C code: Use of C libraries and data types allows for more efficient C compilation, while still allowing the user to code in Python.
Note: Run "python build_ext --inplace" in opt_cython to recompile c files
Source: Cython Docs; NYU-CDS Notes
Vectorization with NumPy is useful to write more efficient code for the following reasons:
- Compute operations in parallel - for instance, carry out arithmetic on an entire vector or matrix.
- NumPy is implemented in a low-level language (C), that operates quickly on large data.
To compare time efficiency of optimization method vs. the original code, use the following command:
python 100 1000 0.05 0.3 7 0.3
python 365 1000 0.05 0.3 7 0.3 50 10 0.95 2
python 365 1000 0.05 0.1 7 0.1 50 10 0.95 2 0.1 0.4 100
Change profile to True in basic_sim main function
Output example: Total time: 2.56755 s
Function: main at line 9
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
9 def main(duration, num_agents, infection_distance, infection_probability, minimum_infection_duration, recovery_probability, profile=True):
10 # Initialize random seed
11 1 135000.0 135000.0 0.0 random.seed(42)
13 # Initialize the list of agents
14 1 1112000.0 1112000.0 0.0 agents = [Agent("S", (random.random(), random.random())) for _ in range(num_agents)]
16 # Set one agent as patient zero
17 1 14000.0 14000.0 0.0 agents[0].status = "I"
19 # Initialize status counts
20 1 6000.0 6000.0 0.0 status_counts = {"S": [], "I": [], "R": []}
23 # Run simulation for given duration
24 100 21000.0 210.0 0.0 for _ in range(duration):
25 # Update status counts for current day
26 300 88000.0 293.3 0.0 for status in ["S", "I", "R"]:
27 300 54018000.0 180060.0 2.1 count = sum(1 for agent in agents if agent.status == status)
28 300 139000.0 463.3 0.0 status_counts[status].append(count)
30 # Update agent days with status and locations
31 100000 18508000.0 185.1 0.7 for agent in agents:
32 100000 46577000.0 465.8 1.8 agent.increase_days_with_status()
33 100000 14458000.0 144.6 0.6 max_distance = 0.01
34 100000 159658000.0 1596.6 6.2 new_location = generate_random_location(agent.location, max_distance)
35 100000 70931000.0 709.3 2.8 new_location = snap_to_edge(new_location, 0, 0, 1, 1)
36 100000 20340000.0 203.4 0.8 agent.location = new_location
38 # Infect agents
39 100 2114803000.0 21148030.0 82.4 infect(agents, infection_distance, infection_probability)
41 # Recover agents
42 100 13293000.0 132930.0 0.5 recover(agents, minimum_infection_duration, recovery_probability)
44 # Add final day status counts
45 3 1000.0 333.3 0.0 for status in ["S", "I", "R"]:
46 3 544000.0 181333.3 0.0 count = sum(1 for agent in agents if agent.status == status)
47 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 status_counts[status].append(count)
49 # Plot status counts over time
50 1 1987000.0 1987000.0 0.1 plt.plot(status_counts["S"], label="Susceptible")
51 1 502000.0 502000.0 0.0 plt.plot(status_counts["I"], label="Infected")
52 1 453000.0 453000.0 0.0 plt.plot(status_counts["R"], label="Recovered")
53 1 83000.0 83000.0 0.0 plt.xlabel("Day")
54 1 24000.0 24000.0 0.0 plt.ylabel("Number of Agents")
55 1 177000.0 177000.0 0.0 plt.title("Agent-based Simulation")
56 1 3872000.0 3872000.0 0.2 plt.legend()
57 1 45796000.0 45796000.0 1.8 plt.savefig("plot_basic_sim_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.png".format(duration, num_agents, infection_distance, infection_probability, minimum_infection_duration, recovery_probability))
59 # line_profiler
60 1 2000.0 2000.0 0.0 import line_profiler
61 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 if profile:
62 profiler = line_profiler.LineProfiler(main)
63 profiler.enable()
64 1 9000.0 9000.0 0.0 main(duration, num_agents, infection_distance, infection_probability, minimum_infection_duration, recovery_probability, False)
65 profiler.disable()
66 profiler.print_stats()
Model runtime: 4.136656284332275