Coming soon!
Klinik Ridsu's Online Reservation System is a web-based platform designed to streamline the process of booking appointments for medical services. This system aims to provide a convenient and efficient way for patients to schedule their visits to the clinic.
-aktifin fitur tombol reservasi di jadwal
-benerin nik reservasi -benerin section informasi kunjungan ga masuk api -benerin section identitas dokter ga ngeload -tambahin logika klo value no_asuransi = null, masukin ke api = null // -tambahin rechapta di reservasi //
-konversi log/alert make komponen popup -buat komponen loading, terapin di jadwal, reservasi, cekreservasi
-cek segala yang diminta (sonarcube, hclscanner, owasp, chipers) -csrf token -optimalin env