Cmake >= 3.0 C++ Boost Library >= 1.63
Under the root directory of the project, execute the following commands to compile the source code.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The Wikidata dump and OFs used in our paper can be downloaded here. As this is a huge dump, it takes several minutes to load the data graph. Please put all files into "test" folder.
After compiling the source code, you can find the binary file 'GaugeRobFacts' under the 'build/bin' directory. Execute the binary with the following command ./GaugeRobFacts -d dump_file -f facts_file -t perturbation_type(entity/data) -s sampling_or_not(T/F) -r sampling_ratio(0 < r < 1), -p factPrefix, -o output_file_name -l time_limit(s).
NOTE: sampling_or_not is a bool variable. Please input T or F.
Example (Entity perturbation for 3-hop facts of Art celebrities not using samping method with 5-min time limit).
cd build/bin
./ptbClean -d ../../test/graph60M.dat -f ../../test/Art3OFs.txt -t entity -s F -r 0.05 -p art3 -o ./art.txt -l 300