My experience to install spams-matlab-v2.6-2017 on Win10 is written down belows for future reference:
step 1) download spams-matlab-v2.6-2017 from official website:
step 2) open the compile.m file (e.g.,E:\matlab_repository\toolboxes\spams-matlab-v2.6-2017-02-27\spams-matlab-v2.6), and make following changes: compiler='mex' (orignially compiler='gcc'), use_multithread=false (originally use_multithread=true)
step 3) In Matlab command window, type: 'mex -setup', which is used to check useable C++ compiler.
In my computer, it has been already installed MinGW64 Compiler (C++), but when i run compile.m with MinGW64 it always reports errors (looks like spams-matlab interface cannot be successfully compiled by MinGW64). Then I download Visual Studio 2017 from this website (for trail):, and install it on my computer. After that, I run command: mex -setup C++, and select Microsoft Visual C++2017 as the compiler.
step 4) Run compiler.m again. But in my experience it has the following error: ".\prox\groups-graph.h(95): error C2039: 'isspace': is not a member of 'std'". Then I solve the problem following website: That is: open the file: prox/groups-graph.h, and change all: std::isspace to isspace.
Luckly no other errors are reported for my installation.