Replay MPI I/O operation according to the input trace file.
$ mkdir build; cd build;
$ cmake ..
$ make
Important File
The Recorder_All/func_list
defines the wrapper function to process. use < func_list > decl_list.def
to update
output trace:
$ LD_PRELOAD=Recorder_All/ mpirun -np [num] [prog]
$ RECORDER_OUTDIR=<override-dir> LD_PRELOAD=Recorder_All/ mpirun -np [num] [prog]
compress trace:
$ src/compress <single log file> <output log file>
merge traces:
$ src/lcs_trace <log_num> <compressed_log_dir> <output_dir>
compressed_log_dir's filename should keep as compressed_log.*, then it would
write output into <output_dir>
replay to a c code:
$ src/replay <num> <scale> <single aux file> <func_info> <merged_log_dir> <construct_log_dir> 2>/dev/null 1>temp.c
recompile the temp.c:
$ mpicc -std=c99 -O0 temp.c