Due to a normalization bug the expert trajectories have lower performance than the rl_baseline_zoo reported experts. Please see the following link in codebase for where the bug was fixed at. [link]
Code to train the models described in the paper "Disagreement-Regularized Imitation Learning", by Kianté Brantley, Wen Sun and Mikael Henaff.
Install the DRIL package
pip install -e .
"stable-baselines", "rl-baselines-zoo", "baselines", "gym", "pytorch", "pybullet"
We provide a python script to generate expert data from per-trained models using the "rl-baselines-zoo" repository. Click "Here" to see all of the pre-trained agents available and their respective perfromance. Replace <name-of-environment>
with the name of the pre-trained agent environment you would like to collect expert data for.
python -u generate_demonstration_data.py --seed <seed-number> --env-name <name-of-environment> --rl_baseline_zoo_dir <location-to-top-level-directory>
DRIL requires a per-trained ensemble model and a per-trained behavior-cloning model.
Note that <location-to-rl-baseline-zoo-directory>
is the full-path to the top-level directory to the rl_baseline_zoo repository.
To train only a behavior-cloning model run:
python -u main.py --env-name <name-of-environment> --num-trajs <number-of-trajectories> --behavior_cloning --rl_baseline_zoo_dir <location-to-rl-baseline-zoo-directory> --seed <seed-number>'
To train only a ensemble model run:
python -u main.py --env-name <name-of-environment> --num-trajs <number-of-trajectories> --pretrain_ensemble_only --rl_baseline_zoo_dir <location-to-rl-baseline-zoo-directory> --seed <seed-number>'
To train a DRIL model run the command below. Note that command below first checks that both the behavior cloning model and the ensemble model are trained, if they are not the script will automatically train both the ensemble and behavior-cloning model.
python -u main.py --env-name <name-of-environment> --default_experiment_params <type-of-env> --num-trajs <number-of-trajectories> --rl_baseline_zoo_dir <location-to-rl-baseline-zoo-directory> --seed <seed-number> --dril
are the default parameters we use in the DRIL experiments and has two options: atari
and continous-control
After training the models, the results are stored in a folder called trained_results
. Run the command below to reproduce the plots in our paper. If you change any of the hyperparameters, you will need to change the hyperparameters in the plot file naming convention.
python -u plot.py -env <name-of-environment>
Results on Atari environments.
Results on continuous control tasks.
We would like to thank Ilya Kostrikov for creating this "repo" that our codebase builds on.