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A piano thing 🎹 for Frameworks and Architecture for the Web course at ITU


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Piano with Audio Sprites

A piano thing for Frameworks and Architecture for the Web course at ITU, using the idea of Audio Sprites. Sources of inspiration include Chris Heilmann's HTML5 audio and audio sprites – this should be simple and Stoyan Stefanov's post Audio Sprites Mozilla's MDN web docs, and other places.

The piano samples are from University of Iowa's Electronic Music Studios, and were trimmed and transcoded to MP3 with ffmpeg. Thank you.


Instantiate a new Piano by first sourcing the piano.js file, e.g. in HTML

<script src="piano.js"></script>

And then from Javascript you can instantiate and initialize the piano

p = new Piano();

The constructor accepts one parameter, which is an URL to a JSON structure, which for each dynamic defines a filename for the concatenated samples, and a dict of notes and begin and endtimes for the sprites.

The init() accepts one parameter too, namely a CSS selector into which a rudimentary HTML UI will be built for testing purposes.

Then play the piano by giving a note, and optionally a dynamic. Note that these must match exactly the playtime structure.

p.playNote('D4', 'pp');

Audio sample preparation

After downloading the samples with a bit of Python automation, the following steps were performed. I'm writing these after the fact, based on notes and my shell history, so please don't assume the workflow to be complete, though the commands are more or less what I did. I'm providing these so that you can see the steps, commands and parameter I used.

Conversion to MP3

With bash, I transcoded from original AIFF to MP3 with ffmpeg, and also converted from stereo to mono

for f in downloads/*.aiff ;do ffmpeg -i $f -ac 1 mp3/$(basename $f .aiff).mp3 ;done

Silence trimming

Then trim silence from the beginning with ffmpeg, using the silenceremove filter. This filter removes first segment of silence at the beginning of the sample, with threshold of -60dB.

for f in mp3/* ;do ffmpeg -i $f -filter 'silenceremove=1:0:-60dB' mp3-trimmed/$(basename $f) ;done

File re-organization per dynamic

Then organization of the files to directories per dynamic

mkdir ff mf pp
cp mp3-trimmed/Piano.ff* ff
cp mp3-trimmed/* mf
cp mp3-trimmed/Piano.pp* pp

Then I removed redundant information from filenames of the Piano.pp.Bb2.aiff pattern, which is now part of the path name, for each of the three directories ff, mf and pp.

for f in * ;do mv $f $(echo $f |cut -d'.' -f 3-) ;done

The filenames are now of pattern pp/Bb2.mp3.

Sample playtime extraction

Then, since the idea of Audio Sprites is to jump around in an audio file, we need lenght of each of the samples. ffmpeg's ffprobe can be used to calculate them, and a bit of Unix love magic ✨ helps us to achieve a pretty CSV file.

for f in {ff,mf,pp}/*mp3 ;do echo ff,$(basename $f),$(ffprobe -loglevel 0 -print_format compact -show_entries stream=duration $f |cut -d'=' -f2) ;done

The CSV file looks like this


Then, converting the CSV to a JSON file with Python. First read in the CSV file and group it by dynamic

with open('playtimes.csv') as fd:
    reader = csv.reader(fd)
    playtimes_dyns = list(reader)

playtimes_dyns_dict = {}

for d, n, t in playtimes_dyns:
    playtimes_dyns_dict[d][n] = float(t)

Then run a little algorithm to calculate cumulative time for the concatenation, which will be done below for the audio samples. All of this is using lexical order of the notes, a more domainspecific, musical theoretical ordering would be nicer maybe.

playtimes_cum = {'pp': {}, 'mf': {}, 'ff': {}}
for dynamic, dyndata in playtimes_dyns_dict.items():
    cumtime = 0
    for n, t in dyndata.items():
        playtimes_cum[dynamic][n.split('.')[0]] = {
            'begin':round(cumtime, 2),
            'end': round(cumtime + t, 2),
            'playtime': round(t, 2)}
        cumtime = cumtime + t

Then finally write the playtimes_cum dict to a JSON file

with open("playtimes-as.json", 'w') as fd:
    fd.write(json.dumps(playtimes_dyns_dict, indent=4))

Which gives this sort of a file

    "pp": {
        "A1": {
            "begin": 0,
            "end": 34.48,
            "playtime": 34.48
        "A2": {
            "begin": 34.48,
            "end": 71.24,
            "playtime": 36.75
        "A3": {
            "begin": 71.24,
            "end": 107.55,
            "playtime": 36.31

Which I later, after some programming work, manually changed to this

    "pp": {
        "filename": "pp/pp.mp3",
        "sprites": {
            "A1": {
                "begin": 0,
                "end": 34.48,
                "playtime": 34.48
            "A2": {
                "begin": 34.48,
                "end": 71.24,
                "playtime": 36.75
            "A3": {
                "begin": 71.24,
                "end": 107.55,
                "playtime": 36.31

Audio Sprite concatenation

Ok so to get all of these samples into a single file, one per dynamic, ffmpeg was used to concatenate them. First an input file was created

for f in ff/* ;do echo "file '$f'" ;done >ff.files
for f in mf/* ;do echo "file '$f'" ;done >mf.files
for f in pp/* ;do echo "file '$f'" ;done >pp.files

and finally concatenated with

ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i ff.files -c copy ff.mp3
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i mf.files -c copy mf.mp3
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i pp.files -c copy pp.mp3

And later on, the three files were moved into the ff, mf and pp files, and the individual samples deleted.




The implementation, as it is, is limited in polyphony – only one note can play from any of the dynamics at a time, though the dynamics can play in parellel. The Audio Sprites are implemented for all the ~88 notes across 3 dynamics, instead of 3 dynamics across the ~88 keys. This doesn't match how a physical piano works, of course.

Audio Sprite does not work solve pre-buffering

The idea was to limit the number of HTTP requests and media resources down from one per sample ie. 3 * ~88 = ~264. The current Audio Sprite implementation has 3 resources to download, the one which would map to physical piano would have ~88. The HTTP >= 1.1 protocol uses the Range request header to ask the server to transfer a particular segment of it, and the response contains Content-Range header. So the idea of Audio Sprite does not really work around lag, as was hoped.


A piano thing 🎹 for Frameworks and Architecture for the Web course at ITU







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