You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1.3k
Eureka Rows
Mohamad Kaakati edited this page Sep 26, 2018
2 revisions
form +++ Section("Login Form")
<<< TextRow() { $0.placeholder = "Username" }
<<< PasswordRow() { $0.placeholder = "Password" }
<<< ButtonRow() {
$0.title = "Login"
$0.onCellSelection { cell, row in
self.presentAlert(message: "Will login")
form +++ Section("Multiple Choices")
<<< MultipleSelectorRow<String>() {
$0.title = "Favourite Foods"
$0.options = ["π", "π", "π", "π"]
$0.value = ["π", "π" ]
<<< SwitchRow("switchRowTag"){
$0.title = "Show message"
<<< LabelRow(){
$0.hidden = Condition.function(["switchRowTag"], { form in
return !((form.rowBy(tag: "switchRowTag") as? SwitchRow)?.value ?? false)
$0.title = "Switch is on!"
+++ Section("Section2")
<<< DateRow(){
$0.title = "Date Row"
$0.value = NSDate(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0) as Date
<<< PhoneRow(){
$0.title = "Phone Row"
$0.placeholder = "And numbers here"
<<< SegmentedRow<String>("gender"){
$0.options = ["male", "female"]
$0.title = "m"
$0.value = "f"
}.onChange{ row in
form +++ Section("Section1")
<<< TextRow(){ row in
row.title = "Text Row"
row.placeholder = "Enter text here"
// Section
+++ Section() {
$0.header = HeaderFooterView<UIView>(HeaderFooterProvider.class)
$0.header?.height = { CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude }
Adding more than one SelectableSection<ListCheckRow<String>>
will require unique tag identifier for each.
SelectableSection<ListCheckRow<String>>("Where did you travel?", selectionType: .multipleSelection){section in
section.tag = Int(arc4random_uniform(9999999)).string // Unique Random Tag Identifer
let singleItems = ["Netherlands", "France", "Lebanon", "Cyprus"]
for option in singleItems {
form.last! <<< ListCheckRow<String>(option){ listRow in
listRow.title = option
listRow.selectableValue = option
listRow.value = nil
Adding more than one SelectableSection<ListCheckRow<String>>
will require unique tag identifier for each.
SelectableSection<ListCheckRow<String>>("Single Selection?", selectionType: .singleSelection(enableDeselection: true)){section in
section.tag = Int(arc4random_uniform(9999999)).string // Unique Random Tag Identifer
let singleItems2 = ["Netherlands", "France", "Lebanon", "Cyprus"]
for option in singleItems2 {
form.last! <<< ListCheckRow<String>(){ listRow in
listRow.tag = Int(arc4random_uniform(9999999)).string
listRow.title = option
listRow.selectableValue = option
listRow.value = nil
+++ Section() {
$0.header = HeaderFooterView<UIView>(HeaderFooterProvider.class)
$0.header?.height = { CGFloat.leastNormalMagnitude }
<<< ViewRow<UIView>() { (row) in
.cellSetup { (cell, row) in
// Construct the view - in this instance the a rudimentry view created here
cell.view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width, height: 210))
cell.view!.backgroundColor = .white
let imageContainer = UIImageView()
imageContainer.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
imageContainer.clipsToBounds = true
imageContainer.anchor(top: cell.view!.topAnchor, left: cell.view!.leftAnchor, bottom: cell.view!.bottomAnchor, right: cell.view!.rightAnchor, topConstant: 0, leftConstant: 0, bottomConstant: 0, rightConstant: 0, widthConstant: 0, heightConstant: 210)
imageContainer.image = UIImage(named: "") // Set Image Name
cell.viewRightMargin = 0
cell.viewLeftMargin = 0
cell.viewTopMargin = 0
cell.viewBottomMargin = 0