A simple tool to retrieve all log event of log streams from a specific AWS log group, obtaining only log streams according to a filter indicated by the user, and recovering all the log events in each one of them. The events of each logStream will be grouped in a file.
The purpose is to be able to recover the logs of those log streams belonging to an AWS logGroup that the user is interested in, saving the logs on each one in a specific file.
It is used internally so that in a project where logs are sent to AWS, the logs of one or several deployed services can be retrieved, obtaining a file with the logs for them in a specified time range.
Go to release page and download the binary you need.
log-stream-filter - retrieves all event logs from all streamLogGroup of a specific logGroup of AWS
log-stream-filter [--log-group <log-group-name>] [--log-stream-filter <filter>] [--log-stream-filter-position <position>][--search-term-search <search-term-search>][--term-to-search] <term-to-search>[--aws-profile <aws-profile>] [--aws-region <aws-region>] [--path <path>] [--start-date <date>] [--end-date <date>]
Xoan Mallon <xoanmallon@gmail.com>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--log-group value, -n value log group name on which all logStreams will be obtained and will apply the filtering (default: "my-lo-group")
--log-stream-filter value, -l value filter to apply on logStreams name to retrieve eventLogs or not (default: "service-name-1")
--log-stream-filter-position value, -f value position in which to apply the log-stream-filter in the logStreams of the logGroup by splitting by the character / (Example of logStreamGroup: log-group/log-stream-group-prefix/ccc7b271-83ee-4487-b8f0-4246ce2d90ad) (default: 1)
--search-term-search, -t Indicates if a specific term should be searched for in the logStreams (default: false)
--term-to-search value, -T value Term used to filter each of the messages found in the logStreams (default: " ")
--aws-profile value, -a value aws-profile to use for credentials (default: "my-profile")
--aws-region value, -r value aws region to use for call operations to aws sdk (default: "us-east-1")
--path value, -p value path where to store the logs (default: "/tmp/")
--start-date value, -s value filter only from a date specified ('mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' format UTC time) (default: $ACTUAL_DATE - 8hours)
--end-date value, -e value filter only until a date specified ('mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss' format UTC time) (default: $ACTUAL_DATE)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)