is a set of useful Odoo maintenance functions.
They are available as CLI scripts (based on dodoo), as well
as composable python functions.
Usage: dodoo-tester [OPTIONS]
Run Odoo tests through modern pytest instead of unittest.
--git-dir TEXT Autodetect changed modules (through git).
-i, --include TEXT Force test run on those modules.
-e, --exclude TEXT Force excluding those modules from tests. Even if a
change has been detected.
-t, --tags TEXT Filter on those test tags.
--logfile FILE Specify the log file.
-d, --database TEXT Specify the database name. If present, this parameter
takes precedence over the database provided in the Odoo
configuration file.
--log-level TEXT Specify the logging level. Accepted values depend on
the Odoo version, and include debug, info, warn, error.
[default: info]
-c, --config FILE Specify the Odoo configuration file. Other ways to
provide it are with the ODOO_RC or OPENERP_SERVER
environment variables, or ~/.odoorc (Odoo >= 10) or
--help Show this message and exit.
- pypi page:
- code repository:
- report issues at:
This project is maintained by XOE Corp. SAS.