AsseticBundle is module for ZF2 allowing asset managment depended of route-name, controller-alias-name (di). Core of module is assetic library.
P.S. Sorry for my english. If You wish to help me with this project or correct my english description - You are welcome :)
- Zend Framework 2 ( Tested on release-2.0.0beta3.
Simplest way:
- cd my/project/folder
- git clone module/AsseticBundle --recursive
- open my/project/folder/configs/application.config.php and add 'AsseticBundle' to your 'modules' parameter.
Open and add to your module.config.php following section:
// module.config.php
return array(
'di' => array(
'instance' => array(
// (...)
// configuration namespace
'assetic-configuration' => array(
'parameters' => array(
'config' => array(
* Enable cache
'cacheEnabled' => true,
* Cache dir
'cachePath' => __DIR__ . '/../../../data/cache',
* Debug on (used via \Assetic\Factory\AssetFactory::setDebug)
* @optional
'debug' => false,
* Defaine base URL which will prepend your resources adress.
* @example
* <link href="" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
* @optional
* @default null
'baseUrl' => '',
* When controller name will be found in this section then fallowing assets will be loaded:
* INFO: assets with names prepended by '@' are alias for specific configuration resource.
'controllers' => array(
// when 'error' controller will be loaded then
'error' => array(
* When route will be mached then following assets will be loaded:
* INFO: assets with names prepended by '@' are alias for specific configuration resource.
'routes' => array(
* when router 'default' will be used then this set of asset will be loaded
'default' => array(
* when router 'home' will be used then this set of asset will be loaded
'home' => array(
* when router 'quizapp' will be used then this set of asset will be loaded
'quizapp' => array(
* In this configuration section, you can define which js, css, resources module have.
'modules' => array(
* Application moodule - assets configuration
'application' => array(
# module root path for yout css and js files
'root_path' => __DIR__ . '/../assets',
# collection od assets
'collections' => array(
'base_css' => array(
'assets' => array(
# relative to 'root_path'
'filters' => array(),
'options' => array(),
'base_js' => array(
'assets' => array(
'', // global
'js/setup.js' // relative to 'root_path'
* Quiz module - example configuration
'quiz' => array(
'root_path' => __DIR__ . '/../../modules/Quiz/assets',
'collections' => array(
* If You want move not only CSS, files but also images relative to CSS resource
* You must set option flag 'move_raw' to true.
'quiz_app_images' => array(
'assets' => array(
'options' => array(
'move_raw' => true,
'quiz_admin_js' => array(
'assets' => array(
* If Your assets collection is using a @reference its required to defain
* a output filename for this collection.
* Without it, \AsseticBundle\ViewHelperSetup can't determinate
* what kind of content is't is: ie. *.js or *.css; and how to setup view helpers.
'options' => array(
'output' => 'quiz_admin.js'
AsseticBundle resolve which configuration will be used to setup and load assets using this algoritm:
- use assets from 'controller' configuration
- if 'controller' not exists, use assets from 'route' configuration
- if 'route' not exists, don't load assets
- more examples & better description
- filter support
- rewrite initViewHelpers - add event handler
- setup assets by view helpers
- add cache for assets
- add ?timestamp url query parameter (now path is appended by ?1233213123)
<?php echo $this->plugin('doctype')->setDoctype(\Zend\View\Helper\Doctype::HTML5); ?>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
echo $this->plugin('HeadTitle');
echo $this->plugin('HeadMeta');
echo $this->plugin('HeadLink');
echo $this->plugin('HeadStyle');
echo $this->plugin('HeadScript');
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="main">
<?php echo $this->content ?>
<div id="footer">
echo $this->plugin('InlineScript');