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linzongshu edited this page Mar 5, 2013 · 17 revisions

APIs of Pi Class


  • config
  • service
  • engine
  • registry
  • log
  • model
  • db
  • debug
  • path
  • url


value|Pi\Application\Config Pi::config(string $name = null, string $domain = '')

This static method is provided by system, it is used to load configuration data of Pi. The object this method could operate are the files in the var/config directory and data similar to application's config table where category is general and module is system.



Specifying the name of configuration element and configuration data will be returned according to this parameter.


Configuration domain.

Return values

This API will return the configuration data of Pi by passed name parameter, if the name parameter is not set, this API will return a Pi\Application\Config handler. It can help you to operate with configuration data.

The default values of name parameter you can use are come from two resources:

  1. Fields in config array of var/config/engine.php folder;

  2. The value of title field in application's config table where category is general.

     $config = Pi::config('environment');
     $config = Pi::config('sitename');
     $config = Pi::config('theme');

The value of $config will be:

    'Web Applications'


Methods in this class can help you to fetch configuration data from the file specified. Methods in Config class are:

mixed value get(string $name, string $domain = '');
Config object set(string $name, mixed $value, string $domain = '');
Config object setConfigs(array $configs, string $domain = '');
Config object unsetDomain(string $domain = '');
Config object loadDomain(string $domain = '');
array load(string $configFile);
  • loadDomain()

    This method is used to load configuration data of a domain from table config, it do not return the data directly, but call setConfigs() to store data, you can call get() method to fetch the data.

      $config = Pi::config()->loadDomain();
      $configs = $config->get('sitename');
      $configs = Pi::config()->loadDomain('meta')->get('author', 'meta');

    The $configs value of second line may be the following data as default:


    The loadDomain() method achieves loading data for later uses, so we can fetch the data indirectly:

      $config = Pi::config()->loadDomain('meta');
      $configs = $config->get('author', 'meta');
  • load()

    This method is used to load configuration data in var/config directory by file name:

      $configs = Pi::config()->load('host.php');
      $configs = Pi::config()->load('service.database.php');


Pi\Application\Service\ServiceAbstract|Pi\Application\Service Pi::service(string $name = null, array $options = array())



Name of service classes to load. This value should be the file name without suffix in the Pi/Application/Service directory.


Value for constructing an object.

Return values

If the name parameter is not set, a Pi\Application\Service handler will be returned. Or else, it will return a handler relates to the parameter name. For example, if the first parameter set to database, and class Pi\Application\Service\Database is exists, the handler of this class will be returned.

The following two examples will have the same results:

$assetService = Pi::service()->load('asset');
$assetService = Pi::service('asset');

The output is a handler:



This class is used to operate the asset directory of Pi. Part of methods in this class are list as follows:

string getBasePath();
string getBaseUrl();
string getPath(string $component);
string getUrl(string $component);
string getAssetPath(string $component, string $file);
string getAssetUrl(string $component, string $file, bool $versioning = true);
string getModuleAsset(string $file, string $module = null, bool $versioning = true);
string getThemeAsset(string $file, string $theme = null, bool $versioning = true);
string getSourcePath(string $component, string $file = '');
string versionStamp(string $path, string $url);
string string getCustomAsset(string $file, string $module = null, bool $versioning = true);
bool publishFile(string $sourceFile, string $targetFile, bool = $override = true);
bool publishAsset(string $component, string $file, bool $override = true);
bool publish(string $component, string $target = '', bool $override = true);
bool publishCustom(string $theme);
bool removeCustom(string $theme);
bool remove(string $component);
string getStaticPath(string $file);
string getStaticUrl(string $file, bool $versioning = true);
  • getBasePath() and getBaseUrl()

    These two methods will return the path and url of asset folder respectively.

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getBasePath();
      echo Pi::service('asset')->getBaseUrl();

    The output will list as follows if Pi is installed in D:/wamp/www directory:

  • getPath() and getUrl()

    These two methods are used to get the path and url of the component in www/asset directory.

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getPath('theme/default');
      echo Pi::service('asset')->getUrl('module/system');

    The output is:

  • getAssetPath() and getAssetUrl()

    These two methods will return complete asset path and url of files. Their first parameter decide which path or url to choose, for example, a module string will return url/to/usr/ when use getAssetUrl.

    The getAssetUrl() method take a third parameter, which decide whether to append version information for url.

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getAssetPath('theme/default', 'image/logo.png');
      echo Pi::service('asset')->getAssetUrl('theme/default', 'image/logo.png');
      echo Pi::service('asset')->getAssetUrl('theme/default', 'image/logo.png', false);


  • getSourcePath()

    This method is used to return the full path of asset files, it takes two parameters, the first one decides which path to use to generate the final path, for example, a string module tells that root/path/usr/module path will be use. The second parameter is the file name.

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getSourcePath('module/demo', 'image/logo.png');


  • versionStamp()

    This method is used to append version information behind given url, user must first check the enable checkbox in application's configuration to enable appending version.

    The parameter $path is the full path of the file, the file's modify time of which will be detected as the file version. The parameter $url is the file's url.

      $path = Pi::service('asset')->getAssetPath('theme/default', 'image/logo.png');
      $url  = Pi::service('asset')->getAssetUrl('theme/default', 'image/logo.png', false);
      echo Pi::service('asset')->versionStamp($path, $url);


  • getModuleAsset()

    This method is used to get asset file in a module, the $file parameter is the file directory start from asset folder, the module parameter is the module name, and the $versioning parameter decides whether to append version information.

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getModuleAsset('image/logo.png', 'demo', false);


  • getThemeAsset()

    This method is used to get asset file in a theme, the usage of this method is as same as that of getModuleAsset(). Its second parameter is the theme name.

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getThemeAsset('css/style.css', 'default', true);


  • getCustomAsset()

    This method is used to get the full path of custom asset. the usage of this method is as same as that of getModuleAsset().

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getCustomAsset('script/test.css', 'demo', true);


  • publishFile()

    This method is only to execute publish operation by given soure file path and target file path.

    NOTE: the given file name must be absoute file path.

      $sourePath = 'D:/wamp/www/trunk/usr/theme/demo/asset';
      $targetPath = 'D:/wamp/www/trunk/www/asset/theme-channel';
      Pi::service('asset')->publishFile($sourcePath, $targetPath);
  • publish()

    This method is used to publish component assets folder. It will transfer the given folder name into absolute path first and then copy the folder into www/asset folder.

    Its first and second parameters are the source folder and target folder, respectively. And both of the parameter names must be consist of type and folder name. The third parameter tells whether to override existent folder.

      Pi::service('asset')->publish('module/demo', 'module/demo');

    This two line codes will publish the asset folder of demo module into the www/asset folder and set the published folder name as module-demo.

  • publishAsset()

    This method has the same function as publish(), the difference is that publishAsset() function only applicable for direct copy but not for symbolic link.

  • publishCustom()

    Pi allows user to define custom module theme in theme package, the publishCustom method is used publish asset file to the www/asset folder as name custom-{theme name}.


    Then a package named custom-demo will be created.

  • getStaticPath() and getStaticUrl()

    These two methods are used to get the full static path and url of the given file, respectively. The getStaticUrl() method allows users to attach version information after url by setting the second parameter.

      echo Pi::service('asset')->getStaticPath('css/style.css');
      echo Pi::service('asset')->getStaticUrl('js/eefocus/login.js', false);
      echo Pi::service('asset')->getStaticUrl('js/eefocus/login.js');


  • remove()

    Remove component assets folder, the parameter passed should be consist of type and component name.

  • removeCustom()

    Remove custom assets in a theme, the parameter passed is theme name.



This class is used for user identity authentication. Its methods are list as:

Zend\Authentication\Result authenticate();
$this object setAdapter(Adapter $adapter);
$this object setStorage(Storage $storage);
Boolean hasIdentity();
mixed|null getIdentity();
wakeup(string $identity = null);
  • authenticate() and wakeup()

    The authenticate() method is used to authenticate user identity by passed identity and credential. The wakeup() method is used to wake up a user by passed identity.

      $identity = $post['identity'];
      $credential = $post['credential'];
      $result = Pi::service('authentication')->authenticate($identity, $credential);
      if (!$result->isValid()) {
  • hasIdentity() and getIdentity()

    These two methods can be used to check and fetch the identity, for example:

      if (Pi::service('authentication')->hasIdentity()) {
          $identity = Pi::service('authentication')->getIdentity();
  • setStorage() and getStorage()


Sometimes users may frequently access a same table to get needed data, these operation will takes a lot of time and make the request slow down, one of the most usual method is to write the data into cache, users can fetch the data without accessing database. This class helps user to operate cache easily.

AbstractAdapter storage();
AbstractAdapter loadStorage(array|string $config = array());
Cache setNamespace(string $namespace = '', AbstractAdapter $storage = null);
string getNamespace(string $namespace = '');
Cache clearByNamespace(string $namespace = '', AbstractAdapter $storage = null);
Cache setItem(string $key, mixed $value, string|array $options = array(), AbstractAdapter $storage = null);
mixed getItem(string $key, string|array $options = null, AbstractAdapter $storage = null);
Cache removeItem(string $key, string|array $options = null, AbstractAdapter $storage = null);
  • storage()

    Get cache storage, instantiate a new one if it not exist yet.

      $storage = Pi::service('cache')->storage();
  • loadStorage()

    This method is used to load cache storage according to given parameters. The passed parameter can be string, which indicates the cache type, such as apc, filesystem or memcached, or array include cache configuration. Users can refer to var/config/cache.apc.php to learn to the array structure of configuration.

    This method will load the cache adapter handler and plugin handler set in the configuration array.

      // load apc adapter if cache.apc.php file is exists
      // load apc adapter by given cofiguration array
      $config = array(
          'adapter'   => array(
              'name'  => 'apc',
              'options' => array(
                  'namespace' => 'apc',
          'plugins'   => array(
              'exception_handler' => array('throw_exceptions' => false),

    The code above will return Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\Apc handler that contain a Zend\Cache\Storage\Plugin\ExceptionHandler plugin handler.

  • setNamespace()

    Set namespace to current cache storage adapter. The second parameter $storage indicate the namespace of which cache handler to set.

      // Set namespace of current storage
      // Set namespace of 'filesystem' storage
      $storage = Pi::service('cache')->loadStorage('filesystem');
      Pi::service('cache')->('filesystem', $storage);
  • getNamespace()

    Get canonized namespace by prepending Pi identifier. If the given parameter is null, return the Pi identifier only.

      echo Pi::service('cache')->getNamespace();
      echo Pi::service('cache')->getNamespace('test');

    If the value of identifier is set to xob3ca in the var/config/engine.php, the output are:

  • clearByNamespace()

    Clear cache by namespace, the second parameter will decide which storage to clear, if it is not set, the current storage will be clear.

  • setItem()

    This method is used to set items into storage by namespace. The third parameter is used to decide the namespace and the time length to store the item. Its fouth parameter decide the storage to use.

      Pi::service('cache')->setItem('test', 'hello world', 'apc');
      Pi::service('cache')->setItem('test', array('hello world'), array('namespace' => 'apc', 'ttl' => 3600));
      $storage = Pi::service('cache')->loadStorage('apc');
      Pi::service('cache')->setItem('test', 'hello world', 'apc', $storage);
  • getItem()

    Get items from storage by passed namespace.

      $result = Pi::service('cache')->getItem('test', 'apc');
      $storage = Pi::service('cache')->loadStorage('apc');
      $result = Pi::service('cache')->getItem('test', array('namespace' => 'apc'), $storage);
  • removeItem()

    Remove items from storage by namespace.

      Pi::service('cache')->getItem('test', 'apc');
      $storage = Pi::service('cache')->loadStorage('apc');
      Pi::service('cache')->getItem('test', array('namespace' => 'apc'), $storage);


This class mainly used to operate captcha. The methods are list as follows:

AdapterInterface load(string $type = null, array $options = array());
  • load()

    This method is used to load a captcha adapter, it takes two parameters, the first one is the type of captcha, it decides which handler to get. The second parameter is optional, and is used as parameter for constructing an object.



This class is used to operate database, it mainly load a database handler to operate with database.

Pi\Application\Db db($options = array());
Pi\Application\Db loadDb($option = array());
  • db()

    This method mainly return a Pi\Application\Db handler for user to operate tables.

      echo Pi::service('database')->db()->prefix('login', 'system');

    If the prefix of Pi database is xe, this code will return:



The default language of Pi is english, but some users of non-english countries may have difficult to use this application or show their product to their local users. The I18n class provides developers some method to translate language.

Methods provider by this class are:

Translator getTranslator();
I18n setTranslator(Translator $translator);
I18n setLocale(string $locale);
string getLocale();
I18n load(array|string $domain, string|null $locale = null);
I18n loadModule(string $domain, string $module = null, string $locale = null);
I18n loadTheme(string $domain, string $theme = null, $locale = null);
string getPath(array|string $domain = '', string $locale = null);
Translator translator(string $domain = '', string|null $locale = null);
string translate(string $message, $domain = null, string $locale = null);
  • setTranslator()

    Set translator with current locale.

      Pi::service('i18n')->setTranslator(new \Pi\I18n\Translator\Translator);
  • getTranslator()

    Get translator, and instantiate one if it is not avaliable.

      $translator = Pi::service('i18n')->getTranslator();
      $translator = Pi::service('i18n')->translator;
  • setLocale() and getLocale()

    Operating locale of application, the locale is a string of language name, such as en, zh-CN. The setLocale method will also configure the translator locale.

      $locale = Pi::service('i18n')->getLocale();
      $locale = Pi::service('i18n')->locale;


    • getPath()

    This method is used to get resource folder path by passed parameters, its parameter should contain data of component, file name or locale.

    User can use array to pass component and file data as well as string. In the array, its first value indicates component and its second value indicates file name. In the string, component and file name are connected by character ':', the usr component will be used if only file name data is set (mean not use : in string).

      echo Pi::service('i18n')->getPath(array('module/demo'));
      echo Pi::service('i18n')->getPath(array('module/demo', 'block'), 'zh-CN');
      echo Pi::service('i18n')->getPath(array('usr', 'mail/template'), 'en');
      echo Pi::service('i18n')->getPath('date');
      echo Pi::service('i18n')->getPath('module/demo:block');

    Output following data if system locale is 'en':

    • load()

    Load translation resource and existent data will be flushed. By using this method, translation data will be load for later using.

    Its first parameter can be array or string which contain component and file data of the translation file. And the second parameter indicates the locale name.

    For example, if the passed parameter is an array, such as array($v1, $v2), then the parameter $v1 indicate the component, and the parameter $v2 is the translation file name, like block.csv if $v2 = block. (Refer to getPath() method)

    The third parameter of load() method indicates translation file of which folder will be loaded, for example, value 'en' tells that files in locale/en folder will be loaded.

      Pi::service('i18n')->load(array('theme/defalut', 'main'), 'en');
      Pi::service('i18n')->load('usr:date', 'en');

    The following translation files will be load if the system locale is en:

    • loadModule()

    Load a module locale.

      Pi::service('i18n')->loadModule('block', 'demo', 'en');
    • loadTheme()

    Load a theme resource.

      Pi::service('i18n')->loadTheme('main', 'default', 'en');
    • translator()

    Clone a translator with specified domain and locale.

      $translator = Pi::service('i18n')->translator('module/demo', 'en');
      $translator = Pi::service('i18n')->translator('theme/default', 'zh-CN');
  • translate()

    Translating a pass message.

      // use default domain and locale
      Pi::translate('This is a demo');
      // use module/demo domain and chinese
      Pi::translate('This is a demo', 'module/demo', 'zh-CN');
      // use syntactic sugar to translate
      echo __('This is a demo');
      echo __('This is a demo', 'module/demo', 'zh-CN');
      _e('This is a demo');


This class is used to operate module, such as getting module name and meta, etc.

Module object setModule(string $module);
string current();
string getMetaFile();
array createMeta();
Boolean init(boolean $force = false);
array|Boolean meta(string $module = null);
Boolean isActive(string $module);
array config(string $key = null, string $module = null);
array loadMeta(string $module, string $type = null);
string path(string $module);
string directory($module = null);
array content(array $variables, array $conditions);
  • current()

    This method is used to get current active module, it will return the module name.

      $module = Pi::service('module')->current();
      echo $module;

    If current module is demo, the output will be:

  • getMetaFile()

    This method will return a meta file name which contains the active module meta data. Generally, the meta file is module.meta.php.

  • createMeta()

    This method will write meta data fetching from DB into the meta file.

  • init()

    This method is used to initialize the service, it will load all meta data from meta file.

  • meta()

    This method is used to get module meta data.

      if (Pi::service('module')->init(true)) {
          $meta = Pi::service('module')->meta('system');

    The $meta variable is an array:

          'directory'    => 'system',
          'active'       => '1',
  • isActive()

    This method will check whether a module is active.

  • config()

    This method will fetch configuration data from application's config table according to its parameters.

    The $module parameter of this method indicates the module name, the system configuration data will be returned if this parameter is not set.

      echo Pi::service('module')->config('sitename');
      echo Pi::service('module')->config('author', 'user');

    The first line will output:

      'Web Application'
  • loadMeta()

    This method will load meta data in the module.php of a module according to its parameter. If the type parameter is not set, all data will be returned.

      Pi::service('module')->loadMeta('user', 'meta');
  • path()

    This method is used to get path of a module.


This class mainly provides users a handler point to Pi/Application/Registry directory.

For example:


This code will return a Pi\Application\Registry\Config handler, then you can use the handler to call its methods.

You can also use a method directly, the following two line has similar results:

Pi::service('registry')->config->read('system', 'general');
Pi::service('registry')->config('read', 'system', 'general');


This class contains a magic method __get(), it will return a Zend\Session\Container handler, then you can use this handler to operate sessions.

For example:

$session = Pi::service('session')->session;

Now you can set sessions:

$session->offsetSet('email', $email);
Pi::service('session')->email = $email;

Checking whether key exists:


Getting value by key:

$email = $session->offsetGet('email');
$email = Pi::service('session')->email;

Getting container name:

echo $session->getName();

The output of this code will be:


It also allows you to get a session manager for more operations, a getManager() method can be used to achieve it:

$sessionManager = Pi::sevice('session')->session->getManager();

It may return a Zend\Session\SessionManager handler:



This service class is mainly for user to manage global taxonomy, a table prepended with system prefix will be created to store data.

Methods for user to use are list as follows:

bool add(array $taxonData, string $domainName = null);
Model|false get(string $domainName = 'taxon');
bool truncate(string $domainName = null);
bool delete(string $domainName = null);
bool update(array $taxonData, string $domainName = null);
array|false getTree(string $domainName = null, array $cols = array());
array|false getList(string $domainName = null, array $cols = array());
int addDomain(array $domainData, array|false $taxonData = array());
int updateDomain(array $domainData, array|false $taxonData = false);
array|false getDomain(int|string $entity);
bool deleteDomain(int|string $entity, $deleteTaxa = true);
  • add()

    Add taxonomy data to special domain according to passed parameter if the table for taxonomy is not exists.

    The data to insert into table are assign to an array, which also should the relationship of each data, and the $domainName parameter decides the table name to create.

      $data = array();
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->add($data, 'demo');
  • get()

    Get taxonomy database model by the given taxonomy domain. This method will return a nested set model which we will introduce at the Pi::model section, and users could use the model object to operate the taxonomy table.

      $demoModel  = Pi::service('taxonomy')->get('demo');
      $taxonModel = Pi::service('taxonomy')->get();
  • truncate()

    Empty taxon data model by given taxonomy domain.

      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->truncate('demo');
  • delete()

    Delete taxon data table by given taxonomy domain. This method will not drop the relating domain data in taxonomy_domain table.

      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->delete('demo');
  • update()

    Update taxonomy data for a domain.

      $data = array();
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->update($data, 'demo');
  • getTree()

    Get nested taxonomy data by passed domain parameter. The second parameter of this method shows the fields to fetch.

      $rows = Pi::service('taxonomy')->getTree('demo', array('id', 'name'));

    The $rows variable has a structure like this:

          [3] => Array
              [id] => 3
              [name] => root
              [left] => 1
              [right] => 8
              [child] => Array
                      [4] => Array

    NOTE: the id field is required if the second parameter is set.

  • getList()

    Get adjacency list of taxon data according to passed domain data. Its second parameter shows fields to fetch.

      $rows = Pi::service('taxonomy')->getList('demo', array('id', 'name'));
  • addDomain()

    Add a taxonomy domain and its taxonomy data if provided.

    Its first parameter is an array, which contains domain data and will be inserted into taxonomy_domain table. The second parameter decide whether to create a table and add data.

      $domain = array(
          'name'        => 'demo',
          'title'       => 'Demo taxonomy',
          'description' => 'Creating a global taxonomy for demo module',
          'module'      => 'demo',
      // Only add a domain data
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->addDomain($domain, false);
      // Add a domain, and add a empty table for storing taxonomy data
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->addDomain($domain);
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->addDomain($domain, array());
      // Add a domain as well as a table, and insert taxonomy data into table
      $data = array();
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->addDomain($domain, array());
  • updateDomain()

    Update a taxonomy domain, and update its taxonomy data if provided.

      // Only update domain
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->updateDomain($domain, false);
      // Update domain and its taxonomy data
      $data = array(...);
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->updateDomain($domain, $data);
  • getDomain()

    Get a taxonomy domain by using id or unique name.

      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->getDomain(1);
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->getDomain('demo');
  • deleteDomain()

    Delete a taxonomy domain, and delete its taxonomy table if the second parameter set to true, or not set.

      // delete domain as well as taxonomy table
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->deleteDomain(1);
      // only delete domain
      $result = Pi::service('taxonomy')->deleteDomain('demo', false);


This class is used to operate with theme.

Theme setTheme(string $theme);
string current();
array loadConfig(string $theme);
string path(string $theme);
  • current()

    This method will return the current theme name.

  • loadConfig()

    This method is used to load theme configuration data from the config.php of theme package.



Pi\Application\Engine\AbstractEngine engine(string $type, array $config = array())

This method mainly used to initilize the Pi application.



Application type, this parameter decides which handler to return.


Configuration data used for constructing object.

Return values

This method will return a handler according to its type parameter, for example, a root type will return a Pi\Application\Engine\Root handler. If the type is set to '', it will return Pi\Application\Engine\Standard as default.

If you want to get a handler of root class in Pi\application\engine directory, you can use:

$root = Pi::engine('root');

If you want to load and boot the application, using the following code:



This class inherits from standard class, and it achieve tasks of loading configs, default listeners, module manager, bootstrap, application and running application.

mixed loadResource(string $resource, array $options = array());
  • loadResource()

    This method is used to load resources according to its parameter. It will get a handler of the class in Pi\Application\Resource directory by setting the $resource parameter. Then the boot() method of the class will be called.



mixed registry(string $index, mixed $value = null)

This method is used to registry container for global variables.



The location to store the value, if value is not set, to load the value.


The object to store.

Return value

Return void if the $value parameter is set, or else return a mixed result according to the $index parameter.


void log(string $message, array|Traversable $extra = array())

This method will output a log audit message in the debug block for user to view or debug.



Log message.


Extra message such as time. If it is not set, the application will get current time automatically.


Pi::log('Audit test in shortcut way.');


        Audit test in shortcut way.

The above code will have the same effect with the following code:

Pi::service('log')->audit('Audit test in shortcut way.');


Pi\Application\Model\ModelAbstract model(string $name, string $module)

This method is used to get a handler relates to the table indicated by passed name parameter.



Name of table, this parameter has a format such as {module name}/{table name}, the module name can be ignored if you want to operate the system table. If you want to operate a module table, this parameter can be ignored, but you must set the $module parameter.


Module name, optional.

The following two line will operate the same table:

$model = Pi::model('login/user');
$model = Pi::model('user', 'login');

If the table prefix is xe, these codes will operate the table xe_login_user.

The following code will operate the table xe_core_config:

$model = Pi::model('config'); 

Please refer to database for more information on how to operate with database.

The Nested Set Model

Generally, most users may encounter with hierarchical data in SQL database. A nested set model is a type of hierarchical data, in a nested set model, it uses left, right and depth three fields to describe this model. You can refer to this article for more knowledge of nested set model: Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL <>_.

The figure of the nested set model is:

.. image:: image/nest1.png

It also can use tree to describe:

.. image:: image/nest2.png

Therefore, you at least should include three field left, right and depth in your table. Pi provides us a class named AbstractNest to operate nest model database, the method in this class are list as:

void trim(int $start = 1, bool $leftVerified = false);
mixed add(array $data, mixed $objective = null, string $position = 'lastOf');
mixed remove(mixed $objective, bool $recursive = false);
bool move(mixed $objective, int $reference = null, string $position = 'lastof');
array getPosition(mixed $objective = null, string $position = 'lastOf')
int getDepth(mixed $objective);
Rowset getRoots(Where $where = null);
mixed getAncestors(mixed $objective, array $cols = null);
mixed getChildren(mixed $objective, array $cols);

1. Creating database for nested set model

A table is the basic requirement if you want to operate nested set model, then you should at least define three field named left, right, and depth, the code to create table is list as follows:

CREATE TABLE `{table name}` (
    `id`       int(10) unsigned        NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `left`     int(10) unsigned        NOT NULL default '0',
    `right`    int(10) unsigned        NOT NULL default '0',
    `depth`    smallint(3) unsigned    NOT NULL default '0',
    // add your own fields


2. Creating a class inherit from Nest class

A Nest class include methods to operate nested database, but it also need a handler which include the table information, therefore, it is necessary to creating a class inherits from Nest class. You should follow three steps as follows:

  • Creating a Model folder in the module/{module name}/src/ folder;
  • Creating a PHP file to add a class, the file name should as same as the table name, and its first letter is uppercase;
  • Setting the class's namespace, and let the class inherits from the Nest class.

For example:

    namespace Module\Login\Model;

    use Pi;
    use Pi\Application\Model\Nest;
    use Pi\Db\RowGateway\Node;

    class Items extends Nest

3. Adding node in controller

In controller you should create an instance includes table information, by using the Pi::model() API, you can initialize the class create in Model folder, then you can call methods define in AbstractNest class:

    $modelItems = $this->getModel('items');
    $resource = array(
        'id'    => null,
        'name'  => 'electronic',
    $resourceId = $modelItems->add($resource);
  • trim()

This method is used to strip empty positions starting from a specific position, it takes two parameters, the first one describes the start position and the second parameter tells to detect empty position on left side if it set to false.

  • add()

This method is used to add a leaf node for nest set, its first parameter is an array type, it include data to insert into database; the second parameter is the target node ID or node, if you want to set root node, set this parameter to null; the third parameter decides which position to insert, its value can be firstOf, lastOf, nextTo and previousTo.

    $modelItems = $this->getModel('items');
    // Adding a root node
    $modelItems->add(array('id' => null, 'name' => 'root'));
    // Adding a child node for 'root' by parent source
    $parent = $modelItems->select(array('name' => 'root'))->current();
    $itemsId = $modelItems->add($resource, $parent);
    // Adding a child node for 'root' by parent ID
    $parent = $modelItems->select(array('name' => 'root'))->current()->toArray();
    $parentId = $parent['id'];
    $modelItems->add(array('id' => null, 'name' => 'child-leaf'), $parentId);
  • remove()

This method is used to remove a node by passed parameter. Its second parameter decides whether to delete all children nodes. It will return node deleted.

    // Removing node including children by node resource
    $deleteItem = $modelItems->select($where)->current();
    $rowset = $modelItems->remove($deleteItem, true);
    // Removing node only by node Id
    $deleteItem = $modelItems->select($where)->current()->toArray();
    $rowset = $modelItems->remove($deleteItem['id']);
  • move()

This method is used to move a node to an indicated position, its second parameter describes the reference node.

    $sourceNode = $modelItems->select($where);
    $referenceNode = $modelItems->select($referWhere);
    $modelItems->move($sourceNode, $referenceNode, 'firstOf');
  • getDepth()

This method is used to calculate depth for a node.

    // Getting depth by ID
    $currentNode = $modelItems->select(array('name' => 'root'))->current()->toArray();
    $test = $modelItems->getDepth($currentNode['id']);
    // Getting depth by node resource
    $currentNode = $modelItems->select(array('name' => 'root'))->current();
    $test = $modelItems->getDepth($currentNode);
  • getRoots()

This method is used to get root nodes by passing condition.

    $root = getRoots(array('name' => 'cd'))->toArray();
  • getAncestors()

This method is used to get all the ancestor nodes of current node. The second parameter decide which columns to fetch.

    $currentNode = $modelItems->select(array('name' => '111'))->current();
    $rowset = $modelItems->getAncestors($currentNode)->toArray();
    $rowset = $modelItems->getAncestors($currentNode, array('name', 'title'))->toArray();
  • getChildren()

This method is used to get all the children nodes of current node, its second parameter is also used to decide the columns to fetch.

    $rowset = $modelItems->getChildren($currentNode)->toArray();
    $rowset = $modelItems->getChildren($currentNode, array('name', 'title'));


Pi\Application\Db db()

This method is used to load a database identifier.

Return value

It will return a Pi\Application\Db handler.

For example:

echo Pi::db()->prefix('user', 'login');

If the prefix is xe, it will output:




 d(mixed $data = '')

This method is used to display a debug message.


A variable or an object.

For example:



[06:20:26.671 D:\wamp\www\Pi\usr\module\login\src\Controller\Admin\IndexController.php:39]


This method displays backtrace messages.


Parts of messages will be:

Backtrace at: 1344320700.7049

D:\wamp\www\Pi\www\admin.php(22): include()
D:\wamp\www\Pi\www\boot.php(34): Pi::boot()
D:\wamp\www\Pi\lib\Pi.php(293): Pi\Application\Engine\Standard::run()
D:\wamp\www\Pi\lib\Pi\Application\Engine\Standard.php(68): Zend\Mvc\Application::run()


dc(mixed $data)

This method is used to display a debug message during conditional debug. It should call denable() method first to enable output.


Data to output, can be string, array or object.

For example:

// No output
dc(array('name', 'age'));

// No output
dc(array('name', 'age'));

// Output message
dc(array('name', 'age'));


[06:52:12.113 D:\wamp\www\Pi\usr\module\login\src\Controller\Admin\IndexController.php:40]
Conditional debug enabled

06:52:12.1131 D:\wamp\www\Pi\usr\module\login\src\Controller\Admin\IndexController.php:41
    [0] => name
    [1] => age


  string path(string $url)



Deciding which path to fetch.

Return values

Return a path string. If url parameter is not equal to existed folder name, it will return the path begin with www directory of Pi.

For example, the vendor folder is exists in current package, and image is not exists:

echo Pi::path('vendor');
echo Pi::path('image');



Actual the second path is not exists.

Here are some general paths:



 string url(string $url, bool $absolute = false)



The url name to convert.


Whether convert to full URI.

Return values

Return a url string.

For example:

 echo Pi::url('www');



Here are some general url:

echo Pi::url('www');
echo Pi::url('upload');
echo Pi::url('asset');
echo Pi::url('static');