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A general purpose, customisable, and extensible encryption and data packaging library.


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A general purpose, customisable, and extensible encryption and data packaging library.


To the Legion of the Bouncy Castle.

BouncyCastle C# logo

This work is built heavily on top of theirs, and likely would not have been possible without it. So - thank you very much for your hard work!

Also a big thanks to Marc Gravell for his excellent protobuf-net and its associated serialisation assembly precompiler. It is used extensively throughout (especially for the packaging features) and provides great flexibility and performance.

Why use this?

ObscurCore is designed to make cryptography accessible and effective, supporting advanced schemes. The packaging system included is a pertinent example of this, fusing together many primitives to create a strong cryptosystem without the developer requiring deep knowledge of the design of such systems. It hopefully also eliminates or at least greatly cuts down on duplication of effort, since many developers end up building similar systems ad-hoc.

If the features offered are insufficient for some particular circumstance, it offers a strong foundation for further extension; most components are abstracted in a way to support this.

Before we get into the good stuff, a disclaimer:

This library as it is currently should not be considered production ready and is a work in progress. It is currently in Beta.

Now that that's out of the way:

ObscurCore Packaging System

Please note that this part of the API is subject to change on its way to a stable release. I'll try to minimise this, but the fact remains.

This feature is an automated system that acts somewhat like an very paranoid archive/packaging format. It allows you to bundle together collections of data, text, and cryptographic keys. You need not care about the details if you don't want to (conservative defaults are used), but if want to, you can heavily customise.

Note: If you don't want to use the packager, but are instead interested in the general-purpose crypto, skip this entire section.

What does it look like to use?

using (var output = new MemoryStream()) {
	var package = new PackageWriter(key);

you can also add an entire directory (optionally including subdirectories) at once:

package.AddDirectory(string path, search : SearchOption.AllDirectories) // including subdirectories

extracting a package is just as easy:

var reader = PackageReader.FromFile(packagePath, keyProvider);
reader.ReadToDirectory(outputPath, overwrite:true);

(Note: keyProvider is a class you make how you like that, that conforms to a IKeyProvider interface. It stores the cryptographic keys your application/use-case operates with.)

Pretty easy?

You can stop reading here, if you have no interest in the technical parts. You don't really need to know, but it might be easier with some knowledge of the technical details.

How does it work?

At basics, a package consists of a Manifest and Payload. The manifest (a sort of description of contents, an index) is encrypted, as with the actual contents. The payload consists of items, and each item has its own unique encryption configuration, so you can have plausible deniability by using different keys on different items, and/or including decoy/fake items if needed. If deniability is not needed, one could use this feature by distributing a package to multiple recipients, with the different items encrypted with recipient-specific keys, so each sees only that which they are able to decrypt.

The manifest is encrypted with a choice of schemes:

  • Symmetric cipher (participants must share secret key securely somehow)
  • UM1-hybrid (ephemeral-static-static elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman, so-called Unified Model 1-pass)

The latter doesn't use a secret key which has to be somehow communicated to the other party, instead you just exchange 'public keys', so named because you don't need to keep them secret.

The hybrid scheme derives a key from the public key cryptosystem, derives it further with a KDF, and uses this as the key for a symmetric cipher. The symmetric-only scheme derives the supplied shared key further with a KDF, and uses this as the key for a symmetric cipher.

The collection of items in the package is termed the "payload". There is a choice of schemes:

  • Simple
  • Frameshift
  • Fabric

Simple just concatenates them together in varied (or sequential) order. Frameshift does the same but inserts variable (or fixed) lengths of bytes before and after each item. Fabric multiplexes variable (or fixed) length stripes of each item, mixing them all up, much like the Rubberhose file system.

Where variable ordering/lengths are used, these are assigned by the use of a cryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator.

All data is authenticated with a MAC in the Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) scheme, which provides strong verification and minimum information leakage. Upon detection of any alteration, all operations are aborted.

In the code example above/before, the packager performs the following actions automatically:

  • Creates the symmetric-encryption package, the manifest being configured to use XSalsa20 encryption, Keccak-256 (SHA-3-256) key confirmation, Keccak-512 (SHA-3-512) authentication, and Scrypt key derivation
  • The package is set up with frameshifting payload layout (default) and a Salsa20-based CSPRNG
  • Adds a file to a package with HC-128 encryption (random key & IV, default) and Poly1305-AES EtM authentication (random key and nonce, default). Key confirmation and derivation is not used due to the keys being random and stored in the manifest, in this instance. If keys are to be supplied by recipient, then the defaults are Keccak-256 key confirmation and scrypt key derivation.
  • Derives a package/manifest key (from the supplied one) with Scrypt KDF
  • Writes it out to the output stream

All schemes offer key confirmation capability with a choice between MAC or KDF method.

If a package is recieived from a sender for which you hold multiple keys on file for (whatever kind they may be), all them will be verified with the key confirmation data (if present, which it is by default - generated automatically) to determine the correct one to proceed with.

In future: packages will include the capability to communicate new keys (of any kind), or request invalidation of keys for subsequent communications. For example, you could send a symmetric key for manifests, so as to reduce overhead incurred by public key schemes.

Functionality exposed through streams

Note: the parameter closeOnDispose controls closing behaviour for bound streams. If you test these methods using a MemoryStream, and this parameter is set to true (by default or explicitly), the stream will be closed, and your data will consequently be missing, and you will be sad and/or confused.


Creating configuration:

var blockConfig = CipherConfigurationFactory.CreateBlockCipherConfiguration(BlockCipher.Aes,
	BlockCipherMode.Ctr, BlockCipherPadding.None);

var streamConfig = CipherConfigurationFactory.CreateStreamCipherConfiguration(StreamCipher.Salsa20);

Creating stream:

using (var cs = new CipherStream(destStream, encrypting:true, config, keyBytes, closeOnDispose:false) ) {

These block ciphers are supported:

  • AES
  • Blowfish
  • Camellia
  • IDEA
  • RC-6
  • Serpent
  • Twofish
  • Threefish

Block ciphers can be run in CTR, CBC mode (variety of paddings provided), CFB, and OFB. Paddings available for CBC mode: ISO 10126-2, ISO/IEC 7816-4, PKCS7, TBC, and ANSI X.923.

And these stream ciphers:

  • ChaCha
  • HC-128
  • HC-256
  • Rabbit
  • RC-4 [disabled; optionally included by compiler ifdef]
  • Salsa20
  • XSalsa20

Hashing and MAC

Creating streams:

byte[] hash = null;
using (var hs = new HashStream(destStream, writing:true, HashFunction.Blake2B256, out hash, closeOnDispose:true) ) {

byte[] mac = null;
using (var ms = new MacStream(destStream, writing:true, MacFunction.Keccak256, out mac, key, saltBytes: null, config:null, closeOnDispose:true) ) {

(Note: 'config' parameter is only required for HMAC, CMAC, and Poly1305 (what hash, cipher, or cipher to use, respectively - passed in as UTF8 bytes of name of required primitive)

Here's all the hash/digest functions supported (HashFunction enumeration) :

  • BLAKE-2B-256 / 384 / 512
  • RIPEMD-160
  • Keccak-224 / 256 / 384 / 512 (SHA-3-224 / 256 / 384 / 512)
  • SHA-1
  • SHA-2-256 / 512
  • Tiger

And here's all the MAC functions (MacFunction enumeration) :

  • BLAKE-2B-256 / 384 / 512
  • Keccak-224 / 256 / 384 / 512 (SHA-3-224 / 256 / 384 / 512)
  • Poly1305
  • Skein
  • CMAC
  • HMAC

HMAC can use any hash/digest function. Poly1305 can use any symmetric block cipher (see above in Encryption section) with a block size of 128 bits. CMAC can use any symmetric block cipher (see above in Encryption section) with a block size of 64 or 128 bits.


When playing around with the primitives, there is a class called Athena in the root ObscurCore namespace that contains validation information for all the primitives. You can use it to make sure settings are valid.



IBlockCipher blockCipher = CipherFactory.CreateBlockCipher(BlockCipher.Aes);
IStreamCipher streamCipher = CipherFactory.CreateStreamCipher(StreamCipher.Salsa20);

Block ciphers only - modes of operation and padding, then putting the pieces together:

blockCipher = CipherFactory.OverlayBlockCipherWithMode(blockCipher, BlockCipherMode.Cbc);
IBlockCipherPadding padding = CipherFactory.CreatePadding(BlockCipherPadding.Pkcs7);
var cipher = new BlockCipherWrapper(encrypting: true, blockCipher, padding);



IDigest hashPrimitive = AuthenticatorFactory.CreateHashPrimitive(HashFunction.Blake2B256);


IMac macPrimitive = AuthenticatorFactory.CreateMacPrimitive(MacFunction.Keccak256, key);

(Note: There are also special methods for instantiating HMAC, CMAC, and Poly1305 MACs.)

Key derivation

var config = new ScryptConfiguration {
	Iterations = 32768,
	Blocks = 8,
	Parallelism = 2
var configBytes = config.SerialiseDto();
byte[] derivedKey = KeyDerivationUtility.DeriveKeyWithKdf(KeyDerivationFunction.Scrypt, key, salt, outputSize:32, config);

(Note: 'outputSize' parameter is in bytes, so 32 == 256 bits)

... Yes, a factory for the configurations needs to be made. Not completed yet.)

Key agreements

Please note that currently, perfect-forward-secrecy ECDH algorithms (such as 3-pass Full Unified Model; UM3) are not implemented. Sorry! There are, however, implemented UM1-type agreements, which provide unilateral forward secrecy - which is much better than nothing.

Elliptic curves provided are from the Brainpool Consortium, SEC2 (secp and sect curves; also called NIST curves), and Daniel J. Bernstein. These are the most popular choices.

Creating keys:

var keypair = KeypairFactory.GenerateECKeypair(DjbCurve.Curve25519.ToString());

Calculating shared secret:


byte[] secret = KeyAgreementFactory.CalculateEcdhSecret(keypair.ExportPublicKey(), privateKey.ExportPrivateKey());


EcKeyConfiguration ephemeral;
byte[] initiatorSS = UM1Exchange.Initiate(senderKeypair.ExportPublicKey(), senderKeypair.GetPrivateKey(), out ephemeral);
byte[] responderSS = UM1Exchange.Respond(receiverKeypair.ExportPublicKey(), receiverKeypair.GetPrivateKey(), ephemeral);

There is also J-PAKE password-based key agreement implemented, but with elliptic curve cryptography rather than the usual finite fields (e.g. like RSA) cryptography, making it a LOT faster, and other benefits.

Creating a session:

var hashPrimitive = AuthenticatorFactory.CreateHashPrimitive(HashFunction.Keccak256);
var curveData = EllipticCurveInformationStore.GetEcCurveData(Sec2EllipticCurve.Secp256r1.ToString());
var session = new ECJpakeSession(participantId, password, curveData.GetParameters(), digest: hashPrimitive, StratCom.EntropyProvider);

(read documentation for more...)


ECDSA is available, including Ed25519.

Some words on Streams

CipherStream encrypts only when being written to, and decrypts only when being read from. The other core stream types (for example, the HashStream) do not enforce directionality like this.

ObscurCore uses stream decorators for I/O, so anything that is derived from the abstract Stream class of the .NET BCL can be plugged into the constructor of an ObscurCore CipherStream/HashStream/MacStream. This means in practice pretty much anything, since pretty much anything can be serialised to a byte array.

Please note that ObscurCore's main stream classes close on dispose by default. The reason for this is to ensure the stream that it's bound to gets closed. Most (all?) of the .NET BCL streams are the same, the difference here is that you get a choice, because you may only want to finish the cipher operation but retain the underlying bound stream(s).

This means the stream they were bound to on construction will be closed with it, when the wrapping ObscurCore stream is closed/disposed. Don't make the mistake of thinking stuff isn't working when binding on a MemoryStream, and wondering why the data is missing afterward.

The main stream classes have a parameter, closeOnDispose, that controls this. Set it to false if you don't want them to close. They're set to true by default to try and ensure that if they're bound to a FileStream, the OS hooks get disposed of properly.

It's good practice to use the using block, because it calls Stream.Dispose() once you're done writing/reading. It's most important when writing, as block ciphers have different behaviour when writing the last block of data, so disposing the stream lets it know when to do this. If you don't, you'll probably be missing the final block (which might be all of your data if you only wrote a little, and are using a block cipher!) in the output. This is a common mistake. If using isn't what you favour, then just call .Dispose() or .Close() when you're all done with the stream.


The author's recommendations, among block ciphers:

  • AES in CTR mode
  • Twofish in CTR mode
  • Serpent in CTR mode

and in stream ciphers:

  • XSalsa20
  • HC-128

In hash and MAC functions:

  • Keccak/SHA-3
  • Poly1305-AES

In KDFs:

  • Scrypt

Where can I get more information?

Check out the wiki. Hopefully I'll have filled it out some more. Or send me a message.


A general purpose, customisable, and extensible encryption and data packaging library.







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