a scala toy robot as per PROBLEM.md specs.
minimal commentary as smaller source files (Point, Board, Command, Orientation) are self-explanatory (with tests), while larger source files have some comments and rely on larger test suites as explanatory document.
from OS CLI:
$ mill toyrobot.run <filename>
and similar for testing:
$ mill toyrobot.test
$mill toyrobot.run resources/eg1.txt
$mill toyrobot.run resources/eg2.txt
$mill toyrobot.run resources/eg3.txt
1: // @TODO: turn into a castor actor; a robot *is* an actor
2 // after all...
3 package robot
built using:
scala 2.13.x
mill 0.8.x
see installing scala
tested on:
Debian 10 (buster)
macOS 10.15.x (catalina)