Working demo can be found here
An article (in russian) can be found here
Usage example
getting html5 boilerplate bootstrap template
git clone
cd initializr-bootstrap
getting inplace editor
git clone
cp -r inplaceeditor/* .
rm -rf inplaceeditor
**add inplaceeditor to index.html template after jquery.min.js **
<script src="js/inplaceeditor.js"></script>
just edit js/inplaceeditor.js and change
var SEVER = 'NODE';
var SEVER = 'PHP';
change admin user and password and host name in
private static $ADMIN_USER = 'admin';
private static $ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'secret';
private static $INSTALLATION_BASEPATH = 'http://localhost/';
before starting the server node.js dependencies (conect & express) shold be installed
npm i
now local server can be started
node server.js
navigate to http://localhost:3000/login
and login with admin/secret
You can edit the entire HTML page now!
HTML elements are highlited on mouse over
Click on the highligted area to start text eding.
Double click to edit HTML code
To finish editing element click anywhere else or press ESC
Use control buttons uppon right to save the page or dublicate it