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Just another shceme interpreter written in Go.



go get

Or you can download the corresponding pre-compiled executable file in release page.


# Just run goscheme to enter interactive shell

# Run a scheme file
goscheme test.scm


  • Calculate nth fibonacci number

    ; calculate nth fibonacci number
    (define (fib n)
       (if (<= n 2) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
    (fib 10)
    ;#=> 55
    ; calculate nth fibnacci number in tail recursion
    (define (fib2 n)
       (begin (define (fib-iter a b n)
             (if (= n 0) b (fib-iter b (+ a b) (- n 1))))
       (fib-iter 0 1 (- n 1))))
    (fib2 30)
  • Mutually recursion

    (letrec (
        (zero? (lambda (x) (= x 0)))
        (lambda (n)
        (if (zero? n)
            (odd? (- n 1)))))
            (lambda (n)
            (if (zero? n)
                (even? (- n 1))))))
    (even? 88))

Explore example.scm for more examples.


  • Interactive REPL shell

  • Tail recursion optimization

  • Lazy evaluation

  • Short circut logic

  • Type: String, Number, Quote, LambdaProcess, Pair, Bool ...

  • syntax, builtin functions and procedures

    load define let let* letrec begin lambda and or not if cond delay map reduce force + - * / = cons list append list-length list-ref quote null? ' eval apply set! set-cdr! set-car! ... etc

Though it is a toy project just for fun and practice, Feel free to open an issue or make a merge request is you find bugs or have some suggestions.

Happy coding...