This was written for educational purpose and pentest only.
Use it at your own risk. Author will be not responsible for any damage!
Coders : th3breacher | Angel Injection
Version : 1
Description : That's a Sensitive data buster , it has 5 modes :
shell:It looks for known shells in a website
backup:It looks for Backups in a website
admin:It looks for admin pages
dir:It looks for known sensitive Directories
files:It looks for sensitive files
Usage : Simply run ./ http:url -m -p the result will be logged in a .txt log file
Tested on : linux(all) , Windows
Special thanks to : r0073r, r4dc0re, Sid3^effects, L0rd CrusAd3r, KedAns-Dz( CrosS ,Ataman, Versus71,satsura, mich4th3c0wb0y, FInnH@X, s3rver.exe (