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Xsolla Pay Station SDK

What is Pay Station SDK?

Pay Station SDK is a fully customizable payment solution that allows you to manage payments in browsers or WebView via Xsolla without using Xsolla Pay Station.

Client integration scheme

The JavaScript SDK is loaded and initialized by the client. It then loads a 0 px iframe containing the Core Library that has access to sensitive user and payment data. This information is encapsulated in the iframe, but neither the client nor their third-party scripts can access this data.

Access to public data is provided through public post messages. The Core Library makes requests to the Payments API, filters responses to remove sensitive data, converts the data into a usable format, and sends it to the client via public post messages.

Inputs are encapsulated in an iframe, preventing the client from accessing the user's input values.

When creating components, the client can use the JavaScript SDK Web Components with or without default styles. Additionally, the SDK events interface can be used to create custom components.

Except for secure inputs, the client has full control over the component's styles, HTML, logic, and order. An iframe containing an input has a wrapper and events interface for complete customization.

Installing with npm-package

npm install --save @xsolla/pay-station-sdk

General integration scheme

General integration scheme

PaymentSdk library interface

declare const headlessCheckout: {
   * Load secure Core Iframe.
   * Load components to CustomElementRegistry.
  init(environment: { isWebview?: boolean; sandbox?: boolean }): Promise<void>;

   * Remove secure Core Iframe.
  destroy(): void;

   * Initialize the payment with a token.
   * Reset the form on initialization.
  setToken(token: string): Promise<void>;

   * Returns available payment methods, excluding quick payment options.
  getRegularMethods(country?: string): Promise<PaymentMethod[]>;

   * Returns available quick payment options, e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay.
  getQuickMethods(country?: string): Promise<PaymentMethod[]>;

   * Returns available payment methods, including quick payment options and saved payment methods.
  getCombinedPaymentMethods(country?: string): Promise<CombinedPaymentMethods>;

   * Returns user’s saved methods.
  getSavedMethods(): Promise<SavedMethod[]>;

   * Returns a user’s balance.
  getUserBalance(): Promise<UserBalance>;

   * Returns financial information about the payment.
  getFinanceDetails(): Promise<FinanceDetails | null>;

   * Returns available countries.
  getCountryList(): Promise<{
    countryList: CountryResponse['countryList'];
    currentCountry: string;

   * Returns available locales.
  getAvailableLanguages(): Lang[];

   * Payment form.
   * Only one form can exist on a page at a time.
  form: {
     * Callback to submit responses listening.
     * Receive the NextAction object with instructions about what action is needed next to complete the payment.
     * Actions:
     * 1. Redirect to external payment system.
     * 2. Process 3D-Secure.
     * 3. Show form errors.
     * 4. Show another form.
     * 5. Check payment status for completion.
    onNextAction: (nextAction: NextAction) => void;

     * Form statuses:
     * 1. undefined - form is not initialized. Run form.init() to initialize.
     * 2. active - form is ready for user interaction.
     * 3. pending - form is waiting for the initialization and submission processes.
    getStatus(): 'undefined' | 'active' | 'pending';

     * Initialize the form. Changes the form to the pending status.
     * Most payment methods require redirection to an external payment system.
     * returnUrl setting allows the payment system to redirect to this URL after the payment is completed.
     * accountId setting enables payment with a saved method.
     * isSaveMode setting allows you to save payment methods.
     * @throws InvalidConfiguration if accountId and isSaveMode are both defined.
    init(formConfiguration: {
      paymentMethodId: number;
      returnUrl: string;
      country?: string;
      accountId?: number;
      isSaveMode?: boolean;
    }): Promise<{
      fields: Field[];
      financeDetails: FinanceDetails;

     * Set form status - active.
     * The method activates the payment form to make the form available to a user.
     * Allows you to prepare components before a user can interact with them.
    activate(): void;

   * Get the final payment status: Success or Error.
   * Calling this method breaks the previous connection.
   * Use the invoiceId argument after a return from the payment system.
   * @throws UndefinedFormError if you did not pass invoiceId and the initialized form does not exist.
   * @throws BreakConnectionError if the method is called again.
  getStatus(invoiceId?: number): Promise<Status>;

   * Can be used instead of SDK components for creating custom components.
   * List of events will be added later.
   * Events between an app and Core Iframe.
  events: {
    onCoreEvent: (event: Event) => void;
    send(event: Event): void;

Pay Station SDK components

Regular components

Component Selector Status
Payment Methods psdk-payment-methods
Saved Methods psdk-saved-methods
Payment Form Messages psdk-payment-form-messages
Checkbox psdk-checkbox
Select psdk-select
Apple Pay Button psdk-apple-pay
Google Pay Button psdk-google-pay-button
Submit Button psdk-submit-button
User Balance psdk-user-balance
Finance Details psdk-finance-details
Status psdk-status

Regular SDK web components

Using SDK components is straightforward: you only need to paste the HTML tag of the component. SDK components are based on Web Components (learn more), and do not work with older browsers like Internet Explorer 11. But if you want to use them or want total control of HTML, you can implement your own component based on public events instead of using SDK components.

SDK component state sync

Secure components

Component Selector Status
Text Component psdk-text
Phone Component psdk-phone
Card Number Component psdk-card-number

SDK secure componentscheme

Secure components have access to sensitive user data, and are encapsulated in iframes. But the input iframe consists of HTML input only and can receive styles for customization. Client have access to other HTML components like errors, borders, title, icons, etc., that exist outside of the iframe (Web Component).

Customizing secure components

Special components

Component Selector Status
Legal psdk-legal
Payment Form psdk-payment-form
ThreeDs psdk-3ds

The Payment Form component creates missed payment form components to ensure the client does not omit required payment form components. The client receives a warning message from the SDK, but still allows users to complete the payment.

The Legal component contains information about Xsolla's legal documents. Client has to include this component and display legal documents in their application in accordance with their agreement with Xsolla. Otherwise, the payment flow is blocked.

The ThreeDs component contains the logic required to perform the necessary credit card checks in accordance with the 3DS procedure.

Pay Station SDK supported languages

  • Arabic
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Czech
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Vietnamese

Integration guide

To start using the Pay Station SDK, include the SDK bundle in your project. You can do this in any convenient way, such as adding the SDK bundle as npm-package.

A working example can be found here

Regardless of the SDK adding method chosen, all integration steps are the same:

  1. Include the SDK library in your project. It doesn't matter whether you are using an npm-package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object, which contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Initialize the SDK with your environment parameters.
  4. Set the access token for the initialized SDK.
  5. Place the Pay Station components in the HTML markup.
  6. (Optional) Select the Pay Station components as regular HTML tags and subscribe on their events to implement additional logic using callbacks.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0"
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
        Link the SDK bundle.
        NOTE: In this example, we use a local build for convenience.
    <script src="./dist/main.js"></script>

    <h1>Pay Station SDK</h1>

    Define a specific Payments component in the HTML markup, e.g., `psdk-payment-methods`.
    The `country` attribute indicates the country for which the payment methods are being loaded.
    <psdk-payment-methods country="US"></psdk-payment-methods>

    <!-- Initialization script -->
      if (typeof PayStationSdk === 'undefined') {
    It seems SDK library is undefined.
    Please, link PayStationSdk source or create local build (recommended to test purposes only).
       * For more information about creating tokens,
       * please read
      const accessToken = '';

      if (!accessToken) {
        alert(`No token provided. Please, check the documentation`);
      async function initPayStationSdk() {
         * The SDK is available under the PayStationSdk namespace.
         * To begin initialization, obtain a reference to the headlessCheckout object.
        const { headlessCheckout } = PayStationSdk;

         * Call the `init()` method with the provided environment object.
         * The isWebView parameter is required and indicates whether your
         * integration type is a webview.
         * Please note that this command executes asynchronously.
        await headlessCheckout.init({
          isWebView: false,

         * After the Payments SDK has been initialized, the next step is setting the token.
         * For more information about creating tokens,
         * please read
        await headlessCheckout.setToken(accessToken);

         * To gain more control over Pay Station components,
         * you can access them as regular HTML elements.
        const paymentMethods = document.querySelector('psdk-payment-methods');

         * To add extra logic to a component, you can subscribe to
         * its events and place your code in a callback function.
        paymentMethods.addEventListener('selectionChange', (e) => {

      // run initialization script

PayPal integration guide

A working example can be found here

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm-package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Add the <psdk-finance-details> component to the HTML markup to show purchase details.
    • The financial details component will be updated with transaction details once the payment is completed.
  5. Initialize the SDK with your environment parameters.
  6. Set the access token for the initialized SDK.
  7. Initialize the payment form with the PayPal payment method ID and return URL.
    • The return URL is used to redirect the user once payment is completed on PayPal’s side.
    • headlessCheckout.form.init method returns the form object that can be used for future work with the payment form.
  8. Subscribe to events of the NextActions form to receive notifications about the next payment flow steps.
    • Next action with the redirect type informs you that a redirect action is required on your side. You can get the URL to redirect from the action payload.
  9. Add the form fields component to the HTML markup.
    • Use the form object that was returned by headlessCheckout.form.init method to get form fields.
    • Use fields with the isMandatory flag to get required fields only.
    • Use the <psdk-text> component to render form fields if required. Email and ZIP fields can only be required for PayPal.
  10. Add the <psdk-submit-button> form submit button to the HTML markup.
  11. Handle next action with the redirect type once the submit button is clicked.
    • Use action payload to get the URL. Make sure you add query parameters to the URL from action payload data.
    • Redirect the user to the PayPal payment system using the generated URL.
    • You can redirect to the PayPal URL in the same window or create a new window and keep the payment form in a separate tab. Once payment is completed on PayPal’s side, a user is redirected to returnUrl.
  12. Add the <psdk-status> component to the HTML markup to see the payment status.

Credit card integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Add the <psdk-finance-details> component to the HTML markup to show purchase details.
    • The financial details component are updated with transaction details once the payment is completed.
  5. Initialize the SDK with your environment parameters.
  6. Set the access token for the initialized SDK.
  7. Initialize the payment form with the Credit Card payment method ID and return URL (necessary for 3-D Secure transactions).
    • The return URL redirects the user once payment is completed on the 3-D Secure’s side.
    • The headlessCheckout.form.init method returns the form object that can be used for future work with the payment form.
  8. Subscribe to events of the NextActions form to receive notifications about the next payment flow steps.
    • The Next action with the show_fields type means that the form needs to render extra fields, e.g., for Brazilian credit cards. A partner must remove previously added fields and render new fields for this step.
    • The Next action with the redirect type means the form is redirected to complete payment according to the 3DS 1.0 secure procedure. The correct return URL must be provided to return from the 3-D Secure verification flow when it is completed.
    • The Next action with the 3DS type means the user card must be checked according to the 3DS 2.0 procedure. The partner is responsible for opening a 3-D Secure window.
  9. Add the form fields component to the HTML markup.
    • Use the form object that was returned by headlessCheckout.form.init method to get form fields.
    • Use fields with the isMandatory flag to get required fields only.
    • Use the <psdk-text> component to render form fields if required. For a field named card_number you must use the <psdk-card-number> component.
  10. Add the <psdk-submit-button> form submit button to the HTML markup.
  11. Add the <psdk-status> component to the HTML markup to see the payment status.
  12. Create a return page.
  13. Add the <psdk-finance-details>, <psdk-status> and <psdk-legal> components to the created return page to show a payment status.
  14. Set accessToken at headlessCheckout.setToken. Run headlessCheckout.init to initialize the headless checkout library.

Google Pay integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Add the <psdk-finance-details> component to the HTML markup to show purchase details.
    • The financial details component are updated with transaction details once the payment is completed.
  5. Initialize the SDK with your environment parameters.
  6. Set the access token for the initialized SDK.
  7. Initialize the payment form with the Google Pay payment method ID and return URL.
    • The headlessCheckout.form.init method returns the form object that can be used for future work with the payment form.
  8. Subscribe to events of the NextActions form to receive notifications about the next payment flow steps.
    • The Next action with the check_status type means that you need to render the status component.
    • The Next action with the special_button type means that you need to render the special button component (in our case it is the Google Pay button).
  9. Add a form message component to the form - <psdk-payment-form-messages>.
  10. Add a payment form component to the form - <psdk-payment-form>.
  11. Add the <psdk-submit-button> form submit button to the HTML markup.
  12. Create a return page.
  13. Add the <psdk-finance-details>, <psdk-status>, and <psdk-legal> components to the created return page to show a payment status.
  14. Set accessToken at headlessCheckout.setToken. Run headlessCheckout.init to initialize the headless checkout library.

Apple Pay integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Features of the payment system:

  1. An Apple Pay payment can only be made on a supported device.
  2. On the PayStationSdk side, only the possibility of payment on this device is checked, all necessary data is checked, and a new tab is opened where the payment itself will be made -
  3. For the convenience of users, the PayStationSdk the <psdk-apple-pay> component is integrated into the <psdk-submit-button> component.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Add the <psdk-finance-details> component to the HTML markup to show purchase details.
  • The financial details component are updated with transaction details once the payment is completed.
  1. Subscribe to events of the NextActions form to receive notifications about the next payment flow steps.
  • The Next action with the check_status type means that you need to render the status component.
  • The Next action with the hide_form type informs you that can hide payment form with css.
  • The Next action with the show_errors type means that you need to show errors messages and payment can't be completed.
  1. Add a payment form component to the form - <psdk-payment-form>.
  2. Initialize the payment form with the Apple-pay payment method ID and return URL.
  • The headlessCheckout.form.init method returns the form object that can be used for future work with the payment form.
  1. Add the <psdk-submit-button> form submit button to the HTML markup.

SDK payment methods integration guide (Barzahlen, Naver, Venmo, etc.)

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Add the <psdk-finance-details> component to the HTML markup to show purchase details.
    • The financial details component are updated with transaction details once the payment is completed.
  5. Initialize the SDK with your environment parameters.
  6. Set the access token for the initialized SDK.
  7. Initialize the payment form with the SDK payment method ID and return URL.
    • The headlessCheckout.form.init method returns the form object that can be used for future work with the payment form.
  8. Subscribe to events of the NextActions form to receive notifications about the next payment flow steps.
    • Next action with the redirect type informs you that a redirect action is required on your side. You can get the redirect URL from the action payload.
  9. Add a form message component to the form - <psdk-payment-form-messages>.
  10. Add a payment form component to the form - <psdk-payment-form>.
  11. Add the <psdk-submit-button> form submit button to the HTML markup.
  12. Create a return page.
  13. Add the <psdk-finance-details>, <psdk-status>, and <psdk-legal> components to the created return page to show a payment status.
  14. Set accessToken at headlessCheckout.setToken. Run headlessCheckout.init to initialize the headless checkout library.

QR code payment integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Add the <psdk-finance-details> component to the HTML markup to show purchase details.
    • The financial details component are updated with transaction details once the payment is completed.
  5. Initialize the SDK with your environment parameters.
  6. Set the access token for the initialized SDK.
  7. Initialize the payment form with the QR code payment method ID and return URL.
    • The headlessCheckout.form.init method returns the form object that can be used for future work with the payment form.
  8. Subscribe to events of the NextActions form to receive notifications about the next payment flow steps.
    • The Next action with the redirect type informs you that a redirect action is required on your side. You can get the redirect URL from the action payload.
    • The Next action with the show_qr_code type means that you need to render the QR code component.
    • The Next action with the check_status type means that you need to render the status component.
  9. Add a form message component to the form - <psdk-payment-form-messages>.
  10. Add a payment form component to the form - <psdk-payment-form>.
  11. Add the <psdk-submit-button> form submit button to the HTML markup.
  12. Create a return page.
  13. Add the <psdk-finance-details>, <psdk-status>, and <psdk-legal> components to the created return page to show a payment status.
  14. Set accessToken at headlessCheckout.setToken. Run headlessCheckout.init to initialize the headless checkout library.

Mobile payment integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm package.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Add the <psdk-finance-details> component to the HTML markup to show purchase details.
    • The financial details component are updated with transaction details once the payment is completed.
  5. Initialize the SDK with your environment parameters.
  6. Set the access token for the initialized SDK.
  7. Initialize the payment form with the QR code payment method ID and return URL.
    • The headlessCheckout.form.init method returns the form object that can be used for future work with the payment form.
  8. Subscribe to events of the NextActions form to receive notifications about the next payment flow steps.
    • The Next action with the redirect type informs you that a redirect action is required on your side. You can get the redirect URL from the action payload.
    • The Next action with the show_mobile_payment_screen type means that you need to render new submit button.
    • The Next action with the check_status type means that you need to render the status component.
  9. Add a form message component to the form - <psdk-payment-form-messages>.
  10. Add a payment form component to the form - <psdk-payment-form>.
  11. Add the <psdk-submit-button> form submit button to the HTML markup.
  12. Create a return page.
  13. Add the <psdk-finance-details>, <psdk-status>, and <psdk-legal> components to the created return page to show a payment status.
  14. Set accessToken at headlessCheckout.setToken. Run headlessCheckout.init to initialize the headless checkout library.

Payment via user balance

  1. If the user has sufficient virtual balance for full payment, a form for payment by balance will always be returned, regardless of the method passed when initiating the payment form using headlessCheckout.form.init({...}).
  2. Payment by balance will be reflected in the <psdk-finance-details> component.
  3. The user balance can also be displayed using the <psdk-user-balance> component.
  4. The user balance can be obtained using the headlessCheckout.getUserBalance() method.

Saved payment methods

Save method integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm-package or CDN link.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Display methods that can be saved <psdk-payment-methods save-method-mode='true'></psdk-payment-methods>.
  5. Handle the selection of the payment method with selectionChange event.
  6. Add a form message component to the form - <psdk-payment-form-messages>.
  7. Add a payment form component to the form - <psdk-payment-form>.
  8. Initialize the payment form with the { paymentMethodId: ${id}, savePaymentMethod: true, returnUrl: ${returnUrl}} parameters, where event.detail.paymentMethodId is from the selectionChange event.
  9. Handle the next action event.

Delete saved method integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm-package or CDN link.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Display saved methods using the <psdk-saved-methods> component.
  5. To make the delete saved method button appear, you need to add the delete-mode='true' attribute to the <psdk-saved-methods> component.
  6. Handle the deleted saved method event - deletedSavedMethodStatus. This is optional. It can be used to display an informational message.

Payment via saved method integration guide

A working example can be found here.

Integration flow:

  1. Add the SDK library to your project. You can use an npm-package or CDN link.
  2. Access the headlessCheckout object that contains the Pay Station initialization logic.
  3. Add the <psdk-legal> component to the HTML markup to provide links to legal documents.
  4. Display saved methods using the <psdk-saved-methods> component.
  5. Handle the selection of the payment method with the savedMethodSelected event.
  6. Add a form message component to the form - <psdk-payment-form-messages>.
  7. Add a payment form component to the form - <psdk-payment-form>.
  8. Initialize the payment form with the { paymentMethodId: ${id}, paymentWithSavedMethod: true, savedMethodId, returnUrl: ${returnUrl}} parameters, where paymentMethodId and savedMethodId are from the savedMethodSelected of the event.details parameter.
  9. Handle the next action event.

Payment country

Changing country

A working example can be found here.

Where can the country value be used?

  1. When initializing the form using headlessCheckout.form.init({ ..., country: ${countryISO} }).
  2. When passing it as an attribute for the <psdk-payment-methods country="${countryISO}></psdk-payment-methods> component.

How to get the country value?

  1. To get the list of available countries, use the headlessCheckout.getCountryList() method.
  2. You can use the ready-made component - <psdk-select type='country'></psdk-select>. When using this component, you need to listen for the userCountryChanged event.


Changing locales

Where can the language value be used?

  1. The language value can be used when initializing headlessCheckout - init({ language?: Lang; }). Lang - src/core/i18n/lang.enum.ts.

How can I get the value of the available locale?

  1. You can get the list of locales by using the headlessCheckout.getAvailableLanguages() method.

Default styles

Using default styles

A working example can be found here.

  1. To use the default styles of the SDK components, you need to connect the style.css file to your HTML document.
  2. To use the default styles of the secure components, you need to pass the theme: 'default' parameter when initializing headlessCheckout.