A Compose-multiplatform navigation library that leverage Decompose to create an API inspired by Conductor
A detailed breakdown available in this Medium article
- 🚏 A
that manages a stack, pages or slot for your screen configurations - 📦
lets you retain your view model across configuration changes and gets cleared when the user leaves the screen - 🚉 Multiplatform! Supports Android, WearOS, Desktop, iOS and Web
// Declare your screen configurations as @Serializable for type-safety
sealed class Screen : Parcelable {
data object List : Screen()
data class Details(val detail: String) : Screen()
fun ListDetailScreen() {
// Create a router with a stack of screen configurations 🚏
val router: Router<Screen> = rememberRouter { listOf(List) }
// Hoist your screens for each configuration 🏗️
RoutedContent(router = router) { screen ->
when (screen) {
List -> ListScreen(
// Navigate by pushing new configurations on the router 🧭
onSelectItem = { detail -> router.push(detail) }
is Details -> DetailsScreen(screen.detail)
fun DetailsScreen(detail: String) {
// 📦 Scope an instance (a view model, a state-holder or whatever) to a route with [rememberOnRoute]
// This makes your instances survive configuration changes (on android) 🔁
// And holds-on the instance as long as it is in the backstack 🔗
// Pass in key if you want to reissue a new instance when key changes 🔑 (optional)
val viewModel: DetailViewModel = rememberOnRoute(key = detail) { // this: RouterContext
DetailViewModel(this, detail)
// Optional, if you want your coroutine scope to be cancelled when the screen is removed from the backstack
.apply { doOnDestroy { cancel() } }
val state: DetailState by viewModel.states.collectAsState()
Text(text = state.detail)
class DetailViewModel(context: RouterContext, detail: String): CoroutineScope {
// Optional, if you want to scope your coroutines to the lifecycle of this screen
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Main + SupervisorJob()
// Optional, if you want your state to survive process death ☠️
// Derive your initial state from [RouterContext.state]
private val initialState: DetailState = context.state(DetailState(detail)) { states.value }
private val stateFlow = MutableStateFlow(initialState)
val states: StateFlow<DetailState> = stateFlow
Decompose-Router is published on Maven Central. Latest version
repositories {
// or for snapshot builds
Note - Check for compatible versions of Decompose and Compose in the version catalog
decompose-router = "<version>"
# For Jetpack Compose / Compose Multiplatform
decompose-router = { module = "io.github.xxfast:decompose-router", version.ref = "decompose-router" }
# For Compose Wear
decompose-router-wear = { module = "io.github.xxfast:decompose-router-wear", version.ref = "decompose-router" }
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Copyright 2024 Isuru Rajapakse
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.