- Lightweight.
- Paginated and continous (scroll) mode.
- Simple library/collection page
- Reader preferences (font size, ...).
- Reader saves the book progress.
- PWA (Works offline)
- Book progress synchronization (just progress, no book content)
- It uses IndexedDB to save books, so all books are saved in the browser. Just save the books you want to read and not use it as a drive.
- No encryptation (and it wont have). Don't store sensitive data.
To use it, just clone the repo and start a local server.
Or try the github page (production branch): https://xyaman.github.io/simple-epub-reader
- Better UI (See book progress in collection page)
- Epub navigation support
- More user settings (themes, line height, better ui).
- Vertical text (japanese)
- Synchronization (files?)