Yabeda adapter for easy exporting collected custom metrics from your application to the Datadog API.
Have an instance of Datadog agent and dogstats-d running. For installation options of Datadog agent please refer to Datadog agent documentation.
Add to your application's Gemfile:
gem "yabeda-datadog"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Define Yabeda metrics to collect. Refer to Yabeda documentation for instruction on how to configure and use Yabeda metrics.
Please note when configuring Yabeda you have to use Datadog units. If a unit of a metric is not supported by Datadog, unit information will not be submitted to Datadog. However, the rest of the metric information will be updated. You always have the ability to update it manually in Datadog metrics dashboard or by calling API by yourself.
Refer to Datadog metrics documentation for working with your metrics in Datadog dashboard.
You can configure with either APP_ROOT/config/yabeda_datadog.yml
file or with environment variables.
Rails 5.1 users able to use encrypted rails secrets Rails.application.secrets.yabeda_datadog.*
Example of yabeda_datadog.yml
# required (if missing adapter is no-op)
api_key: <your Datadog API key>
app_key: <your Datadog App key>
# optional, default values used as an example
# how many queued metrics metrics sends in batches
batch_size: 10
# how many metrics you can queue for sending
queue_size: 1000
# threads to sends enqueued metrics
num_threads: 2
# Datadog agent host and port
agent_host: localhost
agent_port: 8125
# Logging severity threshold, you have to pass integer related to Logger Ruby class
# has 1 value by default which is Logger::INFO
log_level: 1
Example of environment variables:
# required (if missing adapter is no-op)
YABEDA_DATADOG_APP_KEY=<your Datadog App key>
# optional, default values used as an example
# how many queued metrics metrics sends in batches
# how many metrics you can queue for sending
# threads to sends enqueued metrics
# Datadog agent host and port
# Logging severity threshold, you have to pass integer related to Logger Ruby class
# has 1 value by default which is Logger::INFO
You can obtain your Datadog API keys in Datadog dashboard.
Please note, when filling the queue (queue size option), your application will be blocked by waiting for a place in the queue.
environment variables if your Datadog agent is running not on the same host as an app/code that collects metrics.
To start collecting and sending your metrics to Datadog agent run:
NOTE: if you're using Ruby <2.5.2 you might encounter a bug related to the process forking (e.g. when using Puma web server). The workaround is to start Yabeda::Datadog
after the fork
(e.g. when using Puma, put Yabeda::Datadog.start
inside the on_worker_boot
To star collecting Yabeda collect blocks (aka collectors) run the command:
# optionaly you can pass collect_interval argument
Yabeda::Datadog.start_exporter(collect_interval: TEN_SECONDS)
On the first run of your application you will see such error messages in your logs:
ERROR -- yabeda_datadog: metric registration failed for yourapp.some_metric: metric_name not found
This is happening because metrics have not yet been collected and pushed to the DataDog (it may take up to the minute). So update metric metadata request to DataDog is failing.
This error will disappear on next run when all metrics' data reach DataDog and DataDog will be aware of it.
Using Prometheus support for Datadog Agent 6 with yabeda-prometheus.
Please see CONTRIBUTING guide.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/shvetsovdm/yabeda-datadog.
Bump version number in
In case of pre-releases keep in mind rubygems/rubygems#3086 and check version with command like
with missing changes, add header with version and date. -
Make a commit:
git add lib/yabeda/datadog/version.rb CHANGELOG.md version=$(ruby -r ./lib/yabeda/datadog/version.rb -e "puts Gem::Version.new(Yabeda::Datadog::VERSION)") git commit --message="${version}: " --edit
Create annotated tag:
git tag v${version} --annotate --message="${version}: " --edit --sign
Fill version name into subject line and (optionally) some description (list of changes will be taken from changelog and appended automatically)
Push it:
git push --follow-tags
GitHub Actions will create a new release, build and push gem into RubyGems! You're done!
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.