This is a simple NewIM, created for Mobile App. by using Netty + WebSocket, Zookeeper, Redis and Protobuf.
this node receives connections from Mobile and holds them, receives message from Mobile and then deliver the message to Chat Node. It uses zookeeper to store connection info.
this node routes message to all those mobile client in P2P, P2G way. it uses Zookeeper to get connections on Gateway node.
it is a No 1 component in NewIM. it can deliver updates to clients in less than a second and support HA. so it is a Keeper.
this is where message save when Gateway got those messages.
App talks to Gateway with Protobuf, Gateway sends messages to App with Protobuf. Gateway talks to Chat Node with Protobuf.
message ChatMessage {
required string boxid = 1;
required int32 group = 2 [default = 0];
optional string uuid = 3;
optional string sender = 4;
optional string receiver = 5;
optional string body = 6;
enum MessageType {
SmallText = 0;
LongText = 1;
AUDIO = 2;
IMAGE = 3;
VIDEO = 4;
FILE = 5;
LINK = 6;
SYNC = 7;
required MessageType mtype = 7 [default = SYNC];
enum ChatOp {
JOIN = 0;
QUIT = 1;
CHAT = 2;
ACK = 3;
required ChatOp op = 8 [default = ACK];
message ChatStatus {
required string sender = 1;
required int32 syncMark = 2;
message ExchangeMessage {
required string messageId = 1;
optional string message = 2;
optional string chatPath = 3;
optional string chatRoomId = 4;
optional string msgPath = 5;
repeated int32 channelId = 6;
- receive image, audio, video file from clients
- support node monitor