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Yandex.Cloud Docker machine driver



A 3rd-party driver plugin for Docker machine to manage your containers on the servers of Yandex.Cloud


From a Release

The latest version of the docker-machine-driver-yandex binary is available on the GithHub Releases page. Download the the binary that corresponds to your OS into a directory residing in your PATH.

From Source

Make sure you have installed Go and configured GOPATH properly. For MacOS and Linux, make sure $GOPATH/bin is part of your $PATH for MacOS and Linux. For Windows, make sure %GOPATH%\bin is included in %PATH%.

Run the following command:

$ go get -u


$ docker-machine create \
  --driver yandex \
  --yandex-token=<your_iam_token_here> \


If you haven't specified yc-token nor yc-service-account-key-file it will try to get Instance Service Account.

  • --yandex-cloud-id: Cloud ID
  • --yandex-cores: Count of virtual CPUs
  • --yandex-core-fraction: Core fraction
  • --yandex-disk-size: Disk size in gigabytes
  • --yandex-disk-type: Disk type, e.g. 'network-hdd'
  • --yandex-endpoint: Yandex.Cloud API Endpoint
  • --yandex-folder-id: Folder ID
  • --yandex-image-family: Image family name to lookup image ID for instance
  • --yandex-image-folder-id: Folder ID to the latest image by family name
  • --yandex-image-id: User-defined Image ID
  • --yandex-labels: Instance labels in 'key=value' format
  • --yandex-memory: Memory in gigabytes
  • --yandex-nat: Assign external (NAT) IP address
  • --yandex-platform-id: ID of the hardware platform configuration
  • --yandex-preemptible: Yandex.Cloud Instance preemptibility flag
  • --yandex-sa-key-file: Yandex.Cloud Service Account key file
  • --yandex-sa-id: Service account ID to attach to the instance
  • --yandex-security-groups: Set security groups
  • --yandex-ssh-port: SSH port
  • --yandex-ssh-user: SSH username
  • --yandex-static-address: Set public static IPv4 address
  • --yandex-subnet-id: Subnet ID
  • --yandex-token: Yandex.Cloud OAuth token or IAM token
  • --yandex-use-internal-ip: Use the internal Instance IP to communicate
  • --yandex-userdata: Path to file with cloud-init user-data
  • --yandex-zone: Yandex.Cloud zone
  • --yandex-fs: Filesystem to attach to the instance. Format 'mountPath=FilesystemID'

Environment variables and default values

CLI option Environment variable Default Value
--yandex-cloud-id YC_CLOUD_ID
--yandex-cores YC_CORES 2
--yandex-core-fraction YC_CORE_FRACTION 100
--yandex-disk-size YC_DISK_SIZE 20
--yandex-disk-type YC_DISK_TYPE network-hdd
--yandex-endpoint YC_ENDPOINT
--yandex-folder-id YC_FOLDER_ID
--yandex-image-family YC_IMAGE_FAMILY ubuntu-1604-lts
--yandex-image-folder-id YC_IMAGE_FOLDER_ID standard-images
--yandex-image-id YC_IMAGE_ID
--yandex-labels YC_LABELS
--yandex-memory YC_MEMORY 1
--yandex-nat YC_NAT false
--yandex-platform-id YC_PLATFORM_ID standard-v1
--yandex-preemptible YC_PREEMPTIBLE false
--yandex-sa-key-file YC_SA_KEY_FILE
--yandex-sa-id YC_SA_ID
--yandex-security-groups YC_SECURITY_GROUPS
--yandex-ssh-port YC_SSH_PORT 22
--yandex-ssh-user YC_SSH_USER yc-user
--yandex-static-address YC_STATIC_ADDRESS
--yandex-subnet-id YC_SUBNET_ID
--yandex-token YC_TOKEN
--yandex-use-internal-ip YC_USE_INTERNAL_IP false
--yandex-userdata YC_USERDATA
--yandex-zone YC_ZONE ru-central1-a
--yandex-fs YC_FS