- Game Framework 基于 Unity 引擎的游戏框架
- UWA开源库合集
- 腾讯开源库
- 显示.net代码(比如c#)的编译中间过程和结果的网站
- 显示.net代码(比如c#)的编译中间过程和结果的网站(源码托管地址)
- Unity超炫特效插件包(近百种特效) 提取码:23x9
- Procedural开源库合辑
- Mobile Movie Texture v2.1.2 提取码:7rfh
- 【博物纳新】战争迷雾开源库测评
- Unity推出免费全新标准材质库
- 【博物纳新】Impostor Baker开源库测评
- 【博物纳新】AI for Animation开源库介绍
- unity引用查找插件-ReferenceFinder
- Unity资源引用查找工具-OrganizeResources
- QNET,一款给力的APP弱网络测试工具
- 【博物纳新】补间动画XTween开源库测评
- Unity3d之-使用BMFont制作美术字体
- 【博物纳新】Procedural Landmass Generation开源库测评
- 6个Unity 开源项目分享!
- 开源分享 Unity3d客户端与C#分布式服务端游戏框架
- xlua-framework
- 【博物纳新】Unity引用查找工具开源库
- 【博物纳新】XCharts开源库介绍
- 【博物纳新】交通生成器Road Architect推荐
- 【博物纳新】Unity网格变形开源库测评
- 计时器库:Unity Timer
- 计时器库:Proven Unity Timer
- 【博物纳新】合辑推荐—使用Unity重现经典游戏!
- 【博物纳新】创建大量角色的GPU动画系统
- 【博物纳新】Unity Shader之萧萧暗雨打窗声
- 王者荣耀定点数学与碰撞检测库
- 【博物纳新】Unity特效性能分析工具
- 支持不规则大小列表项的无限滚动列表
- p4api.net(推荐使用)
- P4.net
- Unity对象的所有组件深拷贝与粘贴小插件
- excel导出为配置文件的工具
- CSharpGeneratorForProton
- 适配Unity的LitJson库
- 原版的LitJson库
- SharpZipLib 压缩库
- SharpZipLib 官网
- Lua静态语法检查工具Luacheck
- LuaMemorySnapshotDump
- Unity博主营地|Unity常用插件汇总
- “开箱即用”的Unity独立游戏开发工具 TinaX Framework
- 最「水」的资源插件汇总,强烈建议你收藏
- 工具使用:推荐一款发现优化场景无用组件的工具Maintainer
- Unity通用渲染管线Shader日志输出工具
- UnityParticleSystemPreview
- Unity-VariableTileLayout 做海报不错的库
- xlsx_to_lua导表工具
- 博主营地 | Unity红点系统如何实现?超全步骤分享
- 代码极简但功能相对完善的基于UGUI的摇杆(Joystick)组件
- A Diablo 2-style inventory system for Unity3D
- 一种Shader变体收集和打包编译优化的思路
- Unity Assets Bundle Extractor
- Fenix Server
- HiSocket
- Grid Flow Builder
- Magica Cloth 布料模拟使用心得,以及插件功能介绍
- AI SDK平台
- UnityFBXExporter
- 支持直接运行时加载ab的库
- MeshDebugger 网格优化工具
- upr AssetChecker资源检查工具(资源、AssetBundle、代码)
- 微软官方写的unity声音管理器,包含运行时和强大的编辑器
- 开源!一款功能强大的高性能二进制序列化器Bssom.Net
- TimingWheelc#版分层时间轮算法
- Unity3D | 插件资源分享
- UnityToolDist
- AssetCheck资源检查修复工具
- LuaBT-NodeCanvas行为树的Lua实现
- UnityAssetCleaner
- best Unity3D open source search engine
- UnityHeapExplorer
- Unity3D 实用技巧 - 分享实时飘动动画插件
- RichText高效、支持大规模头顶文字
- CascLib
- StormLib
- Unity-QuickSheet
- NKGMobaBasedOnET 基于ET框架致敬LOL的Moba游戏
- EasingCurvePresets 动画曲线库
- 非常轻量级的ECS框架
- SpriteAtlasBrowser
- Unity 动画路径预览工具(博客)
- Unity 动画路径预览工具(代码)
- 高性能二进制序列化库
- C# Expression Parser for Unity3D
- ExpressionParser
- Network Benchmark .NET
- Zero Allocation StringBuilder for .NET Core and Unity
- 强大的可视化编程插件 Flowcanvas + Nodecanvas 组合魔改版
- Unity_MapEditor_Terrain地图编辑器
- 记忆中的像素块褪色了吗?用开源的体素编辑器重新做个 3D 的吧!
- DocFxForUnity
- UnityCoverFlow——Unity3D UI CoverFlow and other Layout options
- docfx 做一个和微软一样的文档平台
- NavMeshPlus
- Unity Git Hooks
- UndoPro - command-based undo system integrated into Unity's default system
- 最后一战MOBA源码
- NaughtyAttributes is an extension for the Unity Inspector
- i18n.lua_- A very complete i18n lib for Lua
- Smart Hierarchy
- FbxSharp Project : FBX SDK C# bindings
- 高效率 QQ 机器人框架
- Animation Compression Library
- Animation Compression Library Unreal Engine 4 Plugin
- Lua核心工具包
- OneSignal-Unity-SDK
- realtime-CSG-for-unity
- IllegalWordsDetection高效率的简单敏感词检测
- UTween
- 搜代码费时又费力?这里有一个开源神器帮你快速搞定!
- Project Auditor
- 用于在 Unity3D 中获取Android 和 iOS 平台上唯一机器码的插件
- Unity.IO.Compression
- unity3d-rainbow-folders
- SourceCounter代码行数统计工具
- lua-fsm
- NaughtyCharacter-Third Person Controller for Unity
- multi-platform bittorrent client
- 基于unity3d重写的动作系统PosePlus,回合制策略游戏实现
- NaughtyBezierCurves
- Masuit.Tools包含一些常用的操作类,大都是静态类,加密解密,反射操作,动态编译等
- UnityRuntimeSpriteSheetsGenerator
- SpriteDicing
- 一款提供各种主流技术方案的Unity手游框架。包含服务端、客户端等模块,采用C++、C#、Lua语言开发
- Hierarchy 2
- Mixture is a powerful node-based tool crafted in unity to generate all kinds of textures in realtime
- UGUI Graphics Library for Unity. 一款 UGUI 图形库
- build-your-own-x
- Type References for Unity3D
- Unity Simple File Browser
- MonoHook
- 战双引导
- Unity Lightmap Prefab Baker
- SuperEditor 支持在Unity界面编辑CS脚本
- FBX SDK C# bindings
- A bunch of code I like to have on hand while working in Unity
- MessagePack-CSharp
- Tiny modular pieces utilizing the power of Scriptable Objects
- ipa-server
- An alternative animator for Unity tailored for traditional animation
- Unity-mongo-csharp-driver-dlls
- A library for patching, replacing and decorating .NET and Mono methods during runtime
- 二维码&条码相关库
- Rule based SpriteAtlas Generator for Unity3D
- Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity.Converters
- unity-shell
- UnityBitmapDrawing
- DynamicMeshSplitting
- High performance in-memory/distributed messaging pipeline for .NET and Unity
- 参数化图片处理工具EZTextureProcessor
- Tool for conveniently and flexibly adding huge amounts of prefabs to your Unity scene
- quick_psd2ugui
- Catmull-Rom spline implementation in Unity
- Astar-for-Unity
- unity-texture-packer
- 分析Unity资源,如贴图、精灵图、旧版图集, 新版图集SpriteAtlas,支持AB包资源冗余
- Lightweight toolset for creating concurrent networking systems for multiplayer games
- Asset Usage Detector for Unity 3D
- MyBox is a set of attributes, tools and extensions for Unity
- FastGithub-github定制版的dns服务,解析访问github最快的ip
- LipSync for Unity3D 根据语音生成口型动画 支持fmod
- pkg-doctor包体医生
- unity-remote-file-explorer
- docsify-A magical documentation site generator
- 美术资源自检规则工具 AssetChecker
- Unity原生碰撞
- UnityNativeCollision
- Generic C# GOAP (Goal Oriented Action Planning) library with Unity3d examples
- CPU and memory profiling tools for Unity3D
- ILSpy
- AvaloniaILSpy
- UnityBookPageCurl
- Unity3D-ConvexHull
- Unity Skinned Mesh Renderer Decals
- Unity-Excpetion-Crash
- Unity NavMesh 2D Pathfinding
- Edit Xcode build settings from the command line
- NavMeshAvoidance
- deep-speech-unity
- Pooling Solution for C# and Unity3D
- Unity白嫖资源大合集!!!
- remotepvrtool
- Pure Lua timerwheel implementation
- LuaMemorySnapshotDump
- 基于ParadoxNotion Slate的帧同步技能编辑器
- HierarchyDecorator
- UnityAddressablesBuildLayoutExplorer
- UnityFx.Async
- C-Sharp-Promise
- EPPlus
- EPPlus 5-Excel spreadsheets for .NET
- A .NET library for distributed synchronization
- SimpleFolderIcon
- FindReferencesInProject2
- Path-Creator
- Injects INotifyPropertyChanged code into properties at compile time
- Adobe XD to Akyui to Unity UI
- C# / Unity Project to work on 3D realtime audio visualizers
- Write scripts with the power of C# and .NET
- 四叉树/八叉树场景动态加载
- A simple Unity library for cheating prevention
- UnityShaderStripper
- Unified Realtime/API framework for .NET platform and Unity
- C++ Profiler For Games
- prefab-painter
- CatAsset Unity AssetBundle资源管理框架
- 基于unity的RPG解密游戏框架
- Transform controller in Game View for Unity
- go 实现的压测工具,ab、locust、Jmeter压测工具介绍【单台机器100w连接压测实战】
- UnityWindowsFileDrag&Drop
- UnityGUIChartEditor
- REX-Diagnostics
- Spine Timeline
- ParticleEffectProfiler
- Memory instrumentation tool for android app&game developers
- UnityAssetUsageDetector
- Unity-Helpers
- FindReferencesInProject2
- ripgrep
- C# string零GC补充方案
- Unity Screen Navigator
- MA_TextureAtlasser
- perf-doctor
- render-doctor
- AssetBundleChecker
- unity-intersections
- UnityRuntimeNodeEditor
- Unity2D Pixel Perfect Collider
- LeoECS
- EZAddresser
- C++ Profiler For Games
- bsdiff
- LuaHelper
- Dynamic scrollView based on UGUI
- Zero Allocation StringBuilder for .NET Core and Unity
- A Unity Editor script for automating Rhubarb lip sync animation
- RoadArchitect
- SoftMaskForUGUI
- unity-compile-in-background
- A simple audio encoder, decoder, noise reduction library for Unity
- Decompilation Tools and High Productivity Utilities
- compilation-visualizer
- Animator 事件回调系统
- GameNetworkingSockets
- Unity-Bridge-API
- Kogane.PackageToAsset
- unitysizeexplorer
- 成熟完备灵活的游戏配置解决方案
- Web browser based Realtime Untiy3D Log viewer
- Unity-Editor-Toolbox
- LogViewer
- DotNetJS
- GrassBending
- PathFinder3D
- unity-text-typer