Flex's ILogger adapter to the pure AS3 project.
Use a simple utility(com.godpaper.as3.utils.LogUtil) method to retrieve the logger for a particular class, instead of passing in the qualified class name as a string. just like:(Declare Loggers as Static Constants)
- private static const LOG:ILogger = LogUtil.getLogger(MyClass);
Format Log Statements Consistently:
- LOG.error("Something bad has happened: event={0}, message={1}", event.type, message);
Parameterize Log Statements:
- LOG.error("Something bad has happened: event={0}, message={1}", event.type, message);
Use Log Levels to Indicate Severity:
- LOG.error("The service has failed and no data is available.");
Use Log Filters for Focus:
- target.filters = [ "my.important.package.MyClass" ];
- target.level = LogEventLevel.INFO;
Include Categories to Show Class Names:
- target.includeCategory = true;
import com.godpaper.as3.configs.LoggerConfig;
* LoggerConfig.includeLevel=true;
* LoggerConfig.includeDate=false;
* LoggerConfig.includeCategory=true;
* LoggerConfig.includeTime=true;
* LoggerConfig.includeMemory=true;
* LoggerConfig.fieldSeparator="->";
* LoggerConfig.filters=["com.godpaper.as3.*"];
* LoggerConfig.level=LogEventLevel.INFO;
11:32:24.222->[DEBUG]->[34.352M]->ApplicationBase->applicationCompleteHandler@onContextCreated,driverInfo(software) is:true