The python wrapper for the towr.
The aim for this fork is to expose the towr program to other trajectory optimization program and simulation environment, via python.
following the cmake method to compile towr
to compile
that we will use later.
run the following command in the folder pytowr
#bash pytowr/
python3 build_ext --inplace
Then the module pytowr
can be used when
is in python path.
I hard coded the general include path and the library path in the setup script. If there is some compiler error, the paths are the first things to be checked.
first make a build dir in towr, and use cmake to build in it following the original procedure.
then check the link.txt and see where your
is located, and put the location into the "library_dirs" field in
then check the flags.make to see the include path and other flags
# call python with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<> python3
import pytowr
pytowr.sample_run(1,2) # runs the trajectory search of monoped on flat plane.
terrain = lambda x,y: 0.0 # the terrain function
pos, cost, varDict =,0.,0.1, terrain,None,{}) # target x, target y, time scale of the return list, initial Posture, initial value dict
def showtime(i):
a = pos[i]
print("time: ",a[0] ,"body: ",a[1],a[2])
foots = a[3]
for f,p in enumerate(foots):
print( f, p ) # (position of foot point, is_contacting_ground)
def raw2numpy(b, m,n):
return np.frombuffer(b)
varDict = {k:raw2numpy(*v) for k,v in varDict.items()}
This fork of Towr aims to add some functionalities to work with little_blue_hexpod and to work in real envionment and real time
- range_of_elongation_constraint.h
- 这个是elongation constraint的头文件,这个类需要用到 parallel_kinematic_model
- 其中需要double的max和min length, Matrix3d 的 ped_root_pos
- 这里主要是改了jac的计算方式,由于我们的约束变量变成了距离的平方,而之前的时候boundingbox 的变量是脚到身体的向量,所以我们的jac都要乘一个2*(脚到root)
- 得到数据利用model->GetMinimumLength 和 model->GetRootPosition(ee)
- parallel_kinematic_model.h
- 是我创建的专门为了方便机器人这种并联结构的类,是KinematicModel的子类
- 除了继承了前面的东西之外,实现了GetRootPosition,GetMaximumLength的接口
- hexpod_model.h
- 把hexpod model原先是KinematicModel的子类,现在变成ParallelKinematicModel 的子类
- 加入了root_positions, min_lengthmax_length 的参数定义
- robot_model.h
- 改了include
- (后面其实应该用类的那个啥来着,就是用基类指针访问高级功能,但是忘了是啥了,后面再改
- 整个towr_ros_app的main函数在这里面,这个文件里面又初始化应用的过程,设置参数的过程,还有提交给IPOPT的过程, TowrRosApp 是 TowrRosInterface 的子类, 在towrinterface.cpp里面有调用 这里定义的SetIpoptParameters
- 在这里的设置参数的过程, 加了一个判断,如果n_ee = 6则params 的 useElongConstraint = true
- parameters.h 和
- parameters 用来选择求解的时候要用哪些约束
- 在里面的ConstraintName 里面加了 EEMotorRange
- parameter的初始化函数加了一个 useElongConstraint变量
- 和 nlp_formulation.h
- nlp_formulation 是从model得到NLP的一个过程,调用它的逻辑在TowrRosInterface :: UserCommandCallback 里面
- 在GetConstraint里面加了case EEMotorRange的情况,并且NlpFormulation :: MakeRangeOfElongationConstraint (const SplineHolder& s) const 的定义
debug 的时候,程序的入口是:towr_ros/src/ UserCommandCallback 如果哪里运行中报错,从那里进入
- robot_model.h
- towrCommand.msg (没有啥用的啦)
- 新增两个文件 hexpod_model.h
- 要增加对应的EEPos nominal_stance_
- endeffector_mappings.h 增加六个脚的enum(按照vrep里面布局的convention
- xpp_towr.rviz (未完成)
- 增加 /h
- CMakeList
- towr_ros/include/towr_ros/towr_xpp_ee_map.h
- 增加了hexa_to_xpp_id (暂时使用的四足的xpp id)
- hexa_to_name
A light-weight and extensible C++ library for trajectory optimization for legged robots.
A base-set of variables, costs and constraints that can be combined and extended to formulate trajectory optimization problems for legged systems. These implementations have been used to generate a variety of motions such as monoped hopping, biped walking, or a complete quadruped trotting cycle, while optimizing over the gait and step durations in less than 100ms (paper).
✔️ Inuitive and efficient formulation of variables, cost and constraints using Eigen.
✔️ ifopt enables using the high-performance solvers Ipopt and Snopt.
✔️ Elegant rviz visualization of motion plans using xpp.
✔️ ROS/catkin integration (optional).
✔️ Light-weight (~6k lines of code) makes it easy to use and extend.
Install • Run • Develop • Contribute • Publications • Authors
The easiest way to install is through the ROS binaries:
sudo apt-get install ros-<ros-distro>-towr-ros
In case these don't yet exist for your distro, there are two ways to build this code from source:
- Option 1: core library and hopper-example with pure CMake.
- Option 2 (recommended): core library & GUI & ROS-rviz-visualization built with catkin and ROS.
Install dependencies CMake, Eigen, Ipopt:
sudo apt-get install cmake libeigen3-dev coinor-libipopt-dev
Install ifopt, by cloning the repo and then:
cmake .. && make install
on your system. -
Build towr:
git clone && cd towr/towr mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make sudo make install # copies files in this folder to /usr/local/* # sudo xargs rm < install_manifest.txt # in case you want to uninstall the above
Test ( Generates a motion for a one-legged hopper using Ipopt
./towr-example # or ./towr-test if gtest was found
Use: You can easily customize and add your own constraints and variables to the optimization problem. Herefore, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:
find_package(towr 1.2 REQUIRED) add_executable(main main.cpp) # Your custom variables, costs and constraints added to TOWR target_link_libraries(main PUBLIC towr::towr) # adds include directories and libraries
We provide a ROS-wrapper for the pure cmake towr library, which adds a keyboard interface to modify goal state and motion types as well as visualizes the produces motions plans in rviz using xpp.
Install dependencies CMake, catkin, Eigen, Ipopt, ROS, xpp, ncurses, xterm:
sudo apt-get install cmake libeigen3-dev coinor-libipopt-dev libncurses5-dev xterm sudo apt-get install ros-<ros-distro>-desktop-full ros-<ros-distro>-xpp
Build workspace:
cd catkin_workspace/src git clone git clone cd .. catkin_make_isolated -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release # or `catkin build` source ./devel_isolated/setup.bash
Use: Include in your catkin project by adding to your CMakeLists.txt
add_compile_options(-std=c++11) find_package(catkin COMPONENTS towr) include_directories(${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(foo ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
Add the following to your package.xml:
<package> <depend>towr</depend> </package>
Launch the program using
roslaunch towr_ros towr_ros.launch # debug:=true (to debug with gdb)
Click in the xterm terminal and hit 'o'.
Information about how to tune the paramters can be found here.
- The relevant classes and parameters to build on are collected modules.
- A nice graphical overview as UML can be seen here.
- The doxygen documentation provides helpul information for developers.
- This code formulates the variables, costs and constraints using ifopt, so it makes sense to briefly familiarize with the syntax using this example.
- A minimal towr example without ROS, formulating a problem for a one-legged hopper, can be seen here and is great starting point.
- We recommend using the ROS infrastructure provided to dynamically visualize, plot and change the problem formulation. To define your own problem using this infrastructure, use this example as a guide.
- This library provides a set of variables, costs and constraints to formulate the trajectory optimization problem. An example formulation of how to combine these is given, however, this formulation can probably be improved. To add your own e.g. constraint-set, define a class with it's values and derivatives, and then add it to the formulation
as shown here.
We love pull request, whether its new constraint formulations, additional robot models, bug fixes, unit tests or updating the documentation. Please have a look at for more information.
See here the list of contributors who participated in this project.
All publications underlying this code can be found here. The core paper is:
author = {Winkler, Alexander W and Bellicoso, Dario C and
Hutter, Marco and Buchli, Jonas},
title = {Gait and Trajectory Optimization for Legged Systems
through Phase-based End-Effector Parameterization},
journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
year = {2018},
month = {July},
pages = {1560-1567},
volume = {3},
doi = {10.1109/LRA.2018.2798285},
A broader overview of the topic of Trajectory optimization and derivation of the Single-Rigid-Body Dynamics model used in this work: DOI 10.3929/ethz-b-000272432
Alexander W. Winkler - Initial Work/Maintainer
The work was carried out at the following institutions: