Trace Android framework API, native libraries, system calls and other events using eBPF. Based on Tracee:
For more information about this work also see:
- Android linux kernel that provides BPF capabilities: BPF, Kprobes and Uprobes
- kernel headers (used for BPF program compilation)
- clang
- Prepare compilation environment with docker: docker run -it --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --credential yes --persistent yes
- Use the Dockerfile in builder directory to build an image of the build environment
- Run builder container with BPFroid sources mounted and kernel headers as well, e.g: docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/tracee:/tracee -v /path/to/android-kernel:/headers bpfroid_builder
- Set KERN_HEADERS variable in the Makefile to point to the correct location, then make, e.g: KERN_HEADERS=/headers make
- KERN_HEADERS=/path/to/android-goldfish-kernel make
- Clone and build BPFroid
- Copy bpfroid binary and bpf object file to target device (built into "dist" by default)
- Configure required hooks in hooks.json
- Run
- System updates that change oat framework files requires deleting hooks.cache file!