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The time select allows users to enter a time either through text input, or by choosing a time from the select panel


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Angular Material Time Select

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The time select allows users to enter a time either through text input, or by choosing a time from the select panel. It is made up of several components and directives that work together.


  1. Checkout the Angular Material Getting Started Guide if not installed.

  2. Install Angular Material Time Select. Also install Moment.js library if not done yet.

npm install --save moment ngx-material-time-select
  1. Import the time select module:
import {MatTimeSelectModule} from 'ngx-material-time-select';

  imports: [
    MatNativeTimeModule             // Or MatMomentTimeModule
export class MyModule { }
  1. Include a prebuilt theme in your style.css:
@import "~ngx-material-time-select/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css";


Connecting a time select to an input

A time-select is composed of a text input and a select panel pop-up, connected via the matTimeSelect property on the text input.

<input [matTimeSelect]="myTimeSelect">
<mat-time-select #myTimeSelect></mat-time-select>

An optional time select toggle button is available. A toggle can be added to the example above:

<input [matTimeSelect]="myTimeSelect">
<mat-time-select-toggle [for]="myTimeSelect"></mat-time-select-toggle>
<mat-time-select #myTimeSelect></mat-time-select>

This works exactly the same with an input that is part of an <mat-form-field> and the toggle can easily be used as a prefix or suffix on the material input:

  <input matInput [matTimeSelect]="myTimeSelect">
  <mat-time-select-toggle matSuffix [for]="myTimeSelect"></mat-time-select-toggle>
  <mat-time-select #myTimeSelect></mat-time-select>

If you want to customize the icon that is rendered inside the mat-time-select-toggle, you can do so by using the matTimeSelectToggleIcon directive:

Setting the selected time

The type of values that the time select expects depends on the type of TimeAdapter provided in your application. When using the default TimeAdapter, the values will all be Moment.js instances.

Depending on the TimeAdapter being used, the time select may automatically deserialize certain time formats for you as well. For example, the TimeAdapter allow ISO 8601 strings to be passed to the time select and automatically converted to the proper object type. This can be convenient when binding data directly from your backend to the time select. However, the time select will not accept time strings formatted in user format such as "1:25 PM" as this is ambiguous and will mean different things depending on the locale of the browser running the code.

As with other types of <input>, the time select works with @angular/forms directives such as formGroup, formControl, ngModel, etc.

Changing the time select colors

The time select popup will automatically inherit the color palette (primary, accent, or warn) from the mat-form-field it is attached to. If you would like to specify a different palette for the popup you can do so by setting the color property on mat-time-select.

Time validation

There are two properties that add time validation to the time select input. The min and max properties.

Each validation property has a different error that can be checked:

  • A value that violates the min property will have a matTimeSelectMin error.
  • A value that violates the max property will have a matTimeSelectMax error.

Input and change events

The input's native (input) and (change) events will only trigger due to user interaction with the input element; they will not fire when the user selects a time from the select panel. Therefore, the time select input also has support for (timeInput) and (timeChange) events. These trigger when the user interacts with either the input or the popup.

The (timeInput) event will fire whenever the value changes due to the user typing or selecting a time from the select panel. The (timeChange) event will fire whenever the user finishes typing input (on <input> blur), or when the user chooses a time from the select panel.

Disabling parts of the time select

As with any standard <input>, it is possible to disable the time select input by adding the disabled property. By default, the <mat-time-select> and <mat-time-select-toggle> will inherit their disabled state from the <input>, but this can be overridden by setting the disabled property on the time select or toggle elements. This can be useful if you want to disable text input but allow selection via the select panel or vice-versa.

Manually opening and closing the select panel

The select panel can be programmatically controlled using the open and close methods on the <mat-time-select>. It also has an opened property that reflects the status of the popup.


Internationalization of the time select is configured via three aspects:

  1. The time locale.
  2. The date implementation that the time select accepts.
  3. The display and parse formats used by the time select.
  4. The message strings used in the time select's UI.

Setting the locale code

The time select use the same injection token of the Datepicker from @angular/material. See documentation.

It's also possible to set the locale at runtime using the setLocale method of the TimeAdapter.

Choosing a date implementation and date format settings

The time select was built to be date implementation agnostic. This means that it can be made to work with a variety of different date implementations. However it also means that developers need to make sure to provide the appropriate pieces for the time select to work with their chosen implementation. The easiest way to ensure this is just to import one of the pre-made modules:

Module Date type Supported locales Dependencies Import from
MatNativeTimeModule Date en-US None ngx-material-time-select
MatMomentTimeModule Moment See project Moment.js ngx-material-time-select

Please note: MatNativeTimeModule is based off of the functionality available in JavaScript's native Date object, and is thus not suitable for many locales. One of the biggest shortcomings of the native Date object is the inability to set the parse format. We highly recommend using the MomentTimeAdapter or a custom TimeAdapter that works with the formatting/parsing library of your choice.

These modules include providers for TimeAdapter and MAT_TIME_FORMATS

  imports: [MatTimeSelectModule, MatNativeTimeModule],
export class MyApp {}

Because TimeAdapter is a generic class, MatTimeSelectComponent and MatTimeSelectInputDirective also need to be made generic. When working with these classes (for example as a ViewChild) you should include the appropriate generic type that corresponds to the TimeAdapter implementation you are using. For example:

export class MyComponent {
  @ViewChild(MatTimeSelectComponent) timeSelect: MatTimeSelectComponent<Date>;

It is also possible to create your own TimeAdapter that works with any date format your app requires. This is accomplished by subclassing TimeAdapter and providing your subclass as the TimeAdapter implementation. You will also want to make sure that the MAT_TIME_FORMATS provided in your app are formats that can be understood by your date implementation. See Customizing the parse and display formatsfor more information about MAT_TIME_FORMATS.

  imports: [MatTimeSelectModule],
  providers: [
    {provide: TimeAdapter, useClass: MyTimeAdapter},
    {provide: MAT_TIME_FORMATS, useValue: MY_DATE_FORMATS},
export class MyApp {}

Customizing the parse and display formats

The MAT_TIME_FORMATS object is just a collection of formats that the time select uses when parsing and displaying times. These formats are passed through to the TimeAdapter so you will want to make sure that the format objects you're using are compatible with the TimeAdapter used in your app.

  imports: [MatTimeSelectModule],
  providers: [
    {provide: MAT_TIME_FORMATS, useValue: MY_TIME_FORMATS},
export class MyApp {}

Localizing labels and messages

The various text strings used by the time select are provided through MatTimeSelectIntl. Localization of these messages can be done by providing a subclass with translated values in your application root module.

  imports: [MatTimeSelectModule],
  providers: [
    {provide: MatTimeSelectIntl, useClass: MyIntl},
export class MyApp {}


The MatTimeSelectInput and MatTimeSelectToggle directives add the aria-haspopup attribute to the native input and toggle button elements respectively, and they trigger a select panel dialog with role="dialog".

MatTimeSelectIntl includes strings that are used for aria-labels. The time select input should have a placeholder or be given a meaningful label via aria-label, aria-labelledby or MatTimeSelectIntl.

Keyboard shortcuts

The time select supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut Action
ALT + DOWN_ARROW Open the select panel pop-up
ESCAPE Close the select panel pop-up


Error: MatTimeSelectComponent: No provider found for TimeAdapter/MAT_TIME_FORMATS

This error is thrown if you have not provided all of the injectables the time select needs to work. The easiest way to resolve this is to import the MatNativeTimeModule or MatMomentTimeModule in your application's root module. See Choosing a date implementation) for more information.

Error: A MatTimeSelectComponent can only be associated with a single input

This error is thrown if more than one <input> tries to claim ownership over the same <mat-time-select> (via the matTimeSelect attribute on the input). A time select can only be associated with a single input.

Error: Attempted to open a MatTimeSelectComponent with no associated input.

This error occurs if your <mat-time-select> is not associated with any <input>. To associate an input with your time select, create a template reference for the time select and assign it to the matTimeSelect attribute on the input:

<input [matTimeSelect]="picker">
<mat-time-select #picker></mat-time-select>


Copyright (c) 2019 Yannick Ebongue

Released under the MIT License (see LICENSE)