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Use cases

Aravind R Yarram edited this page Jun 2, 2016 · 3 revisions

These build events sourced from this connector can be used to derive the following metrics for your company wide or team wide dashboards.

Management of Value Streams of all its products

  • Frequency of builds and deployments
    • Once per day
    • Many times a day
    • Once per week
    • Several per week
    • Once per month
    • Less often
  • Cycle times of deployments
  • Build times
  • Build statuses

Portfolio demographics enabling consolidation opportunities thus reducing technical debt

- Diversity of technology stack (versions, libraries etc.)
- Diversity of source control systems
- Diversity of testing libraries
- Diversity if build systems (Ant, Maven etc.)
- Diversity of usage
    - Build
    - Test
    - Deploy
    - SCA
    - Batch tasks
    - Operations
- Diversity of build infrastructure deployments
    - Number of Masters, Build Agents and Executors
- Which teams have higher turnover?

Enterprise wide Release Health Scorecards

- Trends on bugs
- Trends on security checks

Cost saving opportunities

- Is Jenkins usage growing?
- Proper reuse of existing infrastructure across business units an teams
- Data driven forecasting of future infrastructural needs


- Plug-ins being used in Jenkins
- Etc.