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CNS Object Broker


The work in this project is a proof of concept and not intended for production.

Utilize Kubernetes Service-Catalog to dynamically provision CNS Object Storage.


A core feature of the Kubernetes system is the ability to provision block and file storage on demand. This project seeks to demonstrate that by using the Kubernetes-Incubator's Service-Catalog and the CNS Object Broker, it is now possible to provision GlusterFS backed S3 buckets on demand. This is accomplished using Gluster-Kubernetes, the Service-Catalog, and the CNS Object Broker. Gluster-Kubernetes provides the S3 interface and backing storage. Service-Catalog enables communication between a client Kubernetes cluster and service provider. The CNS Object Broker is the endpoint to which the Service-Catalog sends requests for services.

The CNS Object Broker handles requests to create and destroy S3 buckets and returns information required to consume them. The CNS Object Broker is designed to be used only with Gluster-Kubernetes. Our command flow diagram shows where Kubernetes, Service-Catalog, and the (often external) service broker interact. Service-catalog terms used below are included in the diagram.


There are two separate environments that make up this demonstration. The first is a 4 node GCE cluster. The CNS Object Broker and Gluster-Kubernetes are run here and represent the External Service Provider. It should be noted that the Broker can be implemented to run anywhere. This system will consist of at least 4 GCE instances. Each minion instance MUST have an additional raw block device.

Our second system will be the locally running Kubernetes cluster on which with Service-Catalog is deployed. This system will be run locally in a Kubernetes all-in-one cluster and is where consumers of our storage service will be located. Please refer to the command flow diagram for a more in depth look at these systems.


Before going further, it's useful to define common terms used throughout the entire system. The relationships between the different systems and objects can be seen in the control flow diagram. There are a number of naming collisions which can lead to some confusion.

External Service Provider

  • External Service Provider

    For our purposes, an External Service Provider is any system that offers services on demand via the Open Service Broker. The actual location of the External Service Provider is arbitrary. It can be a remote service provider like AWS S3, an on premise cluster, or colocated with the Service-Catalog.

    The External Service Provider should consist of two components: the service broker and the actual services being consumed by clients. In this example, the service component is a CNS Object Storage cluster with a Swift/S3 REST API.

  • Broker

    The broker presents a REST API which implements the Open Service Broker for http routes. It functions as the endpoint to which the Service-Catalog communicates all requests for service operations.

CNS Broker Objects
  • ServiceInstance

    A Broker's internal representation of a provisioned service.

  • Credential

    A Broker's data structure for tracking coordinates and auth credentials for a single ServiceInstance.

  • Catalog

    A complete list of services and plans that are provisionable by the Broker.

K8s Cluster

For this example, the local Kubernetes cluster is used to represent a development environment. The Service-Catalog is expected to be run in the development cluster because, in addition to Service-Catalog API objects, it is responsible for creating core Kubernetes objects (e.g. Secrets), in the namespaces of service consumers.

Service-Catalog API Objects

Here is where naming collisions become confusing. All of the terms in this section are objects of the Service Catalog API Server. The terms here are only Kubernetes' representation of the actual services provisioned in the External Service Provider. They are managed by the SC-APISERVER portion of the control flow diagram.

NOTE: There is no Catalog object in the Service Catalog. It is represented as a set of ServiceClasses only!

  • ServiceBroker

    Service Catalog representation of the actual Broker, usually located elsewhere. The Service Catalog Controller Manager will use the URL provided within the ServiceBroker to connect to the actual Broker server. A ServiceBroker can offer many ServiceClasses.

  • ServiceClass

    Service Catalog representation of a Catalog offering. When a ServiceBroker is created, the Service Catalog Controller Manager requests the Catalog from the actual Broker. The response is a json object listing all Services and Plans offered by the Broker. The Controller Manager processes this response into a set of ServiceClasses in the API Server. In this case, our ServiceClass is a provisionable S3 bucket. A ServiceClass can provision many ServiceInstances of its class.

  • ServiceInstance

    Service Catalog representation of a consumable service instance in the External Service Provider. In this case, a single S3 bucket. A ServiceInstance can have many ServiceInstanceCredentials, so long as the service supports this. This enables a single instance to be consumed by many Pods.

  • ServiceInstanceCredential

    Service Catalog object that does not contain any authentication or coordinate information. Instead, when a ServiceInstanceCredential is created in the Service Catalog API Server, it triggers a request to the Broker for authentication and coordinate information. Once a response is received, the sensitive information is stored in a Secret in the same namespace as the ServiceInstanceCredential.

What the CNS Object Broker Does

This broker implements Open Service Broker methods for creating, connecting to, and destroying S3 buckets.

  • For each new ServiceInstance, a new, uniquely named bucket is created.
  • For each new ServiceInstanceCredential, a Secret is generated with the coordinates and credentials of the ServiceInstance's associated bucket.
  • Deleting a ServiceInstance destroys the associated bucket.
  • Deleting a ServiceInstanceCredential deletes the secret.


  • Currently, the CNS Object Broker is dependent on GCE. If run outside of a GCE environment, it will fail to start because the CNS Object Broker detects the external IP of the node on which it is run by calling to the GCP metadata server. It pairs this IP with the port of the gluster-s3-deployment Service to generate the coordinaates returned in the ServiceInstanceCredential. This is not a requirement of brokers in general.

  • As it is implemented, the CNS Object Broker must run on the same Kubernetes cluster as the gluster-s3-deployment because it accesses the Service that exposes its NodePort. This is done through a kubernetes api client, which will fail if it cannot reach the gluster-s3-deployment's Service. This is not a requirement of brokers in general.

  • Auth: The S3 API implementation (Gluster-Swift) does not enforce any authentication / authorization. Each new bucket, regardless of the Namespace of its ServiceInstance, is accessible and deletable by anyone with the coordinates of the S3 server.




  • Gk-cluster-deploy was written and tested on Fedora 25 and RHEL 7.
  • A Google Cloud Platform account.
  • The following gcloud config variables are set:
    1. account
    2. project
    3. zone


NOTE: The following steps are performed from the local machine or VM unless stated otherwise.

Step 0: Preparing environment

  • Clone Kubernetes

  • Clone Service-Catalog

  • Install Google SDK and add gcloud to PATH You must have an active Google Cloud Platform account.

  • Configure gcloud account, zone, and project These are detected by the deployment script and required for setup.

    # gcloud config set account <user account>

    # gcloud config set project <project>

    # gcloud config set compute/zone <zone>

Step 1: Deploy Gluster-Kubernetes Cluster in Google Compute Engine (GCE)

This step sets up the External Service Provider portion of our topology (see diagram).

To kick off deployment, run gk-cluster-deploy/ The script has a number of configurable variables relative to GCE Instance settings. They can be found in lib/ These can be overridden inline with or as environment variables. To skip configuration review, run -y.

Runtime takes around 5 to 10 minutes.

NOTE: You can manually deploy the GCE portion by following these instuctions

When deployment completes, the URL of the CNS Object Broker will be output. Note the URL and PORT.

Step 2: Deploy Kubernetes All-in-One Cluster

This step sets up the K8s Cluster portion of our topology (see diagram).

  1. Change directories to the kubernetes repository.

  2. Create the cluster

    KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS=true ./hack/ -O

    This will stream to stdout/stderr in the terminal until it is killed with ctrl-c.

Step 3: Deploy the Service-Catalog

In a separate terminal:

  1. Change directories to the ./kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/ repository.

  2. Follow the Service-Catalog Installation instructions Once the Service-Catalog is deployed, return here.

Using the Service Catalog

STOP! If you have made it this far, it is assumed that you now have

  • A 4 node Kube cluster in GCE, running:
    • Gluster-Kubernetes and its S3 components.
    • The CNS Object Broker.

You can check the status of all these components at once by executing:

# gcloud compute ssh <master node name> --command="kubectl get pod,svc --all-namespaces"

Create the ServiceBroker (API Object)

Change to the cns-object-broker directory created when cloning the repo.

  1. Retrieve the URL and PORT of the cns-object-broker.

    If was run, it will have been output at the end of the script

    To get the url and port manually, first note the external ip of any GCE node in the cluster. The broker is exposed via a NodePort Service and is reachable via any node.

    # gcloud compute instances list --filter="<user name>"

    Next, get the port exposed by the NodePort Service.

    gcloud compute ssh <master node name> --command="kubectl get svc -n broker broker-cns-object-broker-node-port"

    NAME                                 CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
    broker-cns-object-broker-node-port   <nodes>       8080:32283/TCP   1d

    The ports are formatted as <InternalPort>:<ExternalPort>. Note the ExternalPort.

  2. Edit examples/service-catalog/service-broker.yaml

    Set the value of:

      url: http://<ExternalIP>:<ExternalPort>
  3. Create the ServiceBroker api object.

    # kubectl --context=service-catalog create -f examples/service-catalog/service-broker.yaml

  4. Verify the ServiceBroker.

    If successful, the Service-Catalog controller manager will have generated a ServiceClass for the cns-bucket-service.

    # kubectl --context=service-catalog get servicebroker,serviceclasses

    NAME                               AGE
    servicebrokers/cns-bucket-broker   28s
    NAME                                AGE
    serviceclasses/cns-bucket-service   28s

    If you do not see a ServiceClass object, see Debugging.

Create the ServiceInstance (API Object)

  1. ServiceInstances are namespaced. Before proceeding, the Namespace must be created.

    # kubectl create namespace test-ns

    NOTE: To set your own Namespace, edit examples/service-catalog/service-instance.yaml


    kind: ServiceInstance
      namespace: test-ns  #Edit to set your own or use as is.
  2. Now create the ServiceInstance.

    Optional: Set a custom bucket name. If one is not provided, a random GUID is generated. Edit examples/service-catalog/service-instance.yaml.


        bucketName: "cns-bucket-demo" #Optional

    Create the ServiceInstance.

    # kubectl --context=service-catalog create -f examples/service-catalog/service-instance.yaml

  3. Verify the ServiceInstance.

    # kubectl --context=service-catalog -n test-ns get serviceinstance cns-bucket-instance -o yaml

    Look for the these values in the ouput:


        reason: ProvisionedSuccessfully
        message: The instance was provisioned successfully

    If the ServiceInstance fails to create, see Debugging.

Create the ServiceInstanceCredential (API Object)

  1. Create the ServiceInstanceCredential.

    # kubectl --context=service-catalog create -f examples/service-catalog/service-instance-credential.yaml

  2. Verify the ServiceInstanceCredential.

    # kubectl --context=service-catalog -n test-ns get serviceinstancecredentials

    ServiceInstanceCredentials will result in a Secret being created in same Namespace. Check for the secret:

    # kubectl -n test-ns get secret cns-bucket-credentials

    NAME                     TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
    cns-bucket-credentials   Opaque                                4         2m

    If you want to verify the data was transmitted correctly, get the secret's yaml spec.

    # kubectl -n test-ns get secret cns-bucket-credentials -o yaml


    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      bucketEndpoint: MTA0LjE5Ny40LjIzOTozMDI5OA==
      bucketID: amNvcGU6amNvcGU=
      bucketName: Y25zLWJ1Y2tldC1kZW1v
      bucketPword: amNvcGU=

    Decode the data:

    # echo "<value>"" | base64 -d


Broker Log

To determine if the broker has encountered an error that may be impacting ServiceInstance creation, it can be useful to examine the broker's log.

  1. Access the Broker log by first ssh-ing into the GCE cluster.

    # gcloud compute ssh <master node name>

  2. Get the unique name of the Broker Pod.

    # kubectl get pods -n broker

  3. Using the Broker Pod's name, use kubectl to output the logs.

    # kubectl -n broker logs -f <broker pod name>

Inspecting Service-Catalog API Objects

Service-Catalog objects can return yaml or json formatted data just like core Kubernetes api objects. To output the data, the command is:

# kubectl --context=service-catalog get -o yaml <service-catalog object>

Where <service-catalog object> is:

  • servicebroker
  • serviceclass
  • serviceinstance
  • serviceinstancecredential

Redeploy Service Catalog

Sometimes it's just quicker to tear it down and start again. Thanks to Helm, this is relatively painless to do.

  1. Tear down Service-Catalog

    # helm delete --purge catalog

  2. Deploy Service-Catalog

    # helm install charts/catalog --name catalog --namespace catalog

Once Service-Catalog has returned to a Running/Ready status, you can begin again by creating a ServiceBroker object.


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