This is a Mini Project built using HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL I have used a Xampp Server as a Local Server for Building this Project This is just a Mini Project so I have Not made it much Detailed and Havn't included the Billing Feature Apart from that import the SQL file in your localhost so that it can run properly We Basically can perform CRUD operations in this Just copy download this and Paste it in your Xampp/htdocs folder and Open it through the localhost Then you are Good to go!
- Create a Database in PHP My Admin called "courier".
- Create a Table called "customers" with having 6 coloumns.
- Create a Table called "employee" with having 8 coloumns.
- Create a Table called "orders"with having 9 coloumns.
- Create All Of this Just Like Shown In The "Database pics" Folder !
- Then Copy this "Website" Folder placed here, To Your Xampp folder in the address is as
follows "C:\xampp\htdocs"-------(after copying) -------> "C:\xampp\htdocs\Website". - Now Go to Chrome and type (http://localhost/Website/index.html) to view the first page of the Website So now Finally You Are Done.
- I have attached the courier.sql Database file on this Repository you can directly access it and Import on your localhost server.
Some more screenshots have been attached in the Repository.