An end-to-end deep learning image classifier app built with Fastai and Pytorch.
The notebooks contain the code from the articles from the series: A Fast Introduction to Fastai-My Experience.
- Blog post series for the project
- Notebooks and Code for the project
- Web app showcasing the project
- Screenshots of the app in action
- Run the app on your machine
This project began with a viral article about my first experience with Fastai. Then it evolved. Troughout these tutorials, I write about:
- Transfer learning for image classification
- Stochastic Gradient Descent from scratch
- Image clasification the naive way
- Making a state of the art image classification model with learning Rate Finder and progressive resizing approach for getting the best results in a short amount of time
- Text classification with transfer learning
- Making the frontend of the project easily with streamlit
- Containerizing the app with Docker
The ipynb files are as follows:
- RPC.ipynb: Simple image classification with fastai library, an introduction
- RPC-Pixel-sim.ipynb: Image classification with Pixel Similarity Approach
- RPC SGD.ipynb: Image classification with Stochastic Gradient Descent and Cross Entropy Loss function
- RPC-Learning Rate, Progressive Resizing Approach.ipynb : Image Classification, state of the art training with learning rate finder, progressing resizing approach.
- Text Sentiment Classification(Covid-19 Tweets).ipynb : Text Classification in just 20 lines of code
The Folder RockPaperScissorsClassification contains:
- An interactive web app made with streamlit with the ability to run image classification on any uploaded image.
- Contanerising the streamlit app with Docker.
The web app built through streamlit is now live. The code is located in RockPaperScissorsClassification folder.
- Install Docker on your machine.
- In the root directory of the terminal, run to build the image:
docker build --tag rps:1.0 .
- Lastly, run the app with:
docker run --publish 8501:8501 -it rps:1.0
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8501/ and play with the app!