Python-based application with the approach and influence of the Neural Network (NN) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict future prices in a qualified and quantized way with high accuracy and close to real.
Here we using django to create a web application.
To run this project, you will need to add the following
python -3.7.2 version
try to install this python version. this project is build on python 3.7.2
which you will find in the projects, In this it consits of few python modules
good network
for installing the required files
code editor or IDE
visual studio code or pycharm or any other
First install python 3.7.2 vesion or if you already have python in your system hit this
python --version
in your terminal or cmd to know the python version of yours, if it's not python 3.7.2 uninstall that and make sure you try to install python 3.7.2 -
next clone or download this project from the github repo , Here i have given all the files which are required for this project ,And i also mention some references and few documents for make it easy.
If you want just project then click here (or)check out the code folder in that you find internationalstock folder you will find all the project requirements over there.
|---- assets
Now open internationalstock folder now you can find few files, now we need to install few dependencies for our project which you will find in requirements.txt.
now open your terminal and naviagate to your project location by using cd command example : your project is in E folder/downloads/internationalstock
open your cmd or terminal and type cd E:\downloads\internationalstock and hit enter it will open project location
or simply copy the project location and open your terminal and type cd and paste the location over there
- now in our project you can find requirements.txt file
- now type the following command in the terminal
pip install -r requirements.txt
it just installs the following dependencies of the project
or manually install these by placing pip install example: pip install django==2.2
- type the following command in your terminal to run django server in your local host
python runserver
py runserver
Now open your browser and hit this on browser you will find and web application over there
If your facing any error like(main loop) you can type this command in your terminal
py runserver --nothreading --noreload
- After that you can see an web application on your browser.
- In this you need to create an account, so go and click on registration which you can find top of the webapplication, and try to fill all details that are required.
- now click on the register button
- Now you need to wait untill the admin gives you the access.
- In the admin pannel you can access admin tasks, To access these you need to go to the admin page, you can find that on the webapplication page.
- Then login with the admin login details.
login: admin
password: admin
- Here we can access admin page by using above login id and password
- in admin page you can find users then you can give access to the users from over there .