I’m a passionate IOS Developer with experience in various technologies including Swift, SwiftUI, C#, .NET, SQL, and HTML/CSS. I love creating robust, scalable, and efficient software solutions, with a focus on clean code and architecture.
// Create a developer instance
let developer = Developer(
name: "Yavuz Selim Emrem",
pronouns: "He/Him",
age: 20,
bio: "A passionate iOS Developer who loves creating robust and efficient applications. Always eager to learn new technologies and improve my skills!",
code: ["Swift", "SwiftUI", ".NET", "C#", "HTML", "CSS"],
askMeAbout: ["iOS Development", "Backend Development", "Web Development", "Mobile App Design", "Clean Code Practices"],
technologies: Technologies(
tools: Tools(
cloudDatabase: ["Firebase", "Back4App"],
cloudServer: ["Firebase", "Parse"]
codeEditor: CodeEditor(
competitiveProgramming: ["Xcode"],
frontEndDev: ["Xcode"]
// Function to display developer details
func displayDeveloperInfo(developer: Developer) {
print("👤 Name: \(developer.name)")
print("🔤 Pronouns: \(developer.pronouns)")
print("🎂 Age: \(developer.age)")
print("📝 Bio: \(developer.bio)")
print("💻 Languages: \(developer.code.joined(separator: ", "))")
print("❓ Ask Me About: \(developer.askMeAbout.joined(separator: ", "))")
print("☁️ Cloud Databases: \(developer.technologies.tools.cloudDatabase.joined(separator: ", "))")
print("🌐 Cloud Servers: \(developer.technologies.tools.cloudServer.joined(separator: ", "))")
print("🛠️ Code Editors: \(developer.technologies.codeEditor.competitiveProgramming.joined(separator: ", ")) for Competitive Programming")
print("🖥️ Code Editors: \(developer.technologies.codeEditor.frontEndDev.joined(separator: ", ")) for Frontend Development")
// Call the function to display info
displayDeveloperInfo(developer: developer)