Two TreeSitter supported colorschemes inspired by oh-lucy.
Both colorschemes are availaible for vim and neovim and written in Lua.
- support the latest Neovim >=5.0 features like TreeSitter and LSP
- darker background for sidebar
- color configs for Alacritty.
Both colors are designed with Go and Rust in mind, and tested against few other languages.
If any of the colors does not syntax-highlight your langauge satisfactorily, please feel free to fork the repo and do changes as needed.
- TreeSitter
- Indent Blankline
- Neo-tree
- Startify
- Dashboard
- BufferLine
- LSP Diagnostics
- Git Signs
- Git Gutter
- Neogit
- Telescope
- NvimTree
- Barbar
- Rainbow delimiters
- and more...
- Neovim >= 0.8.0
You can Install the theme with any of the following package managers:
Plug 'Yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim'
use 'Yazeed1s/oh-lucy.nvim'
Enable the colorscheme:
" Vim Script
colorscheme oh-lucy-evening " for oh-lucy-evening
colorscheme oh-lucy " for oh-lucy
-- Lua
vim.cmd[[colorscheme oh-lucy]] -- for oh-lucy
vim.cmd[[colorscheme oh-lucy-evening]] -- for oh-lucy-evening
-- or, for lunarVim
lvim.colorscheme = 'oh-lucy'
lvim.colorscheme = 'oh-lucy-evening'
Note: set the configurations BEFORE you load the color scheme
Option | Default | Description |
oh_lucy_italic_comments | true |
Make comments italic |
oh_lucy_italic_keywords | true |
Make keywords italic |
oh_lucy_italic_booleans | false |
Make booleans italic |
oh_lucy_italic_functions | false |
Make functions italic |
oh_lucy_italic_variables | true |
Make variables italic |
oh_lucy_transparent_background | false |
Disable background color |
-- Example config in lua
-- oh-lucy
vim.g.oh_lucy_italic_functions = true
vim.g.oh_lucy_italic_comments = false
-- The key is 'oh_lucy_'
-- oh-lucy-evening
vim.g.oh_lucy_evening_italic_functions = true
vim.g.oh_lucy_evening_italic_comments = false
-- The key is 'oh_lucy_evening_'
-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd [[colorscheme oh-lucy]]
-- or
vim.cmd [[colorscheme oh-lucy-evening]]
" Example config in Vim Script
let g:oh_lucy_evening_italic_functions = 1
let g:oh_lucy_italic_comments = 0
" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme oh-lucy
" or
colorscheme oh-lucy-evening
Color configs for Alacritty can be found in terminal. If you want to use it, pleas refer to their respective documentation and do changes to your .config/
- Add color support for neo-tree
- Add color support for startify
- Add themes to statusLine plugins such as feline and lualine
If you would like to add support to a plugin or to fix a bug please feel free to send a PR.