This is the twistranet project!
(c)2011 NumeriCube (
Official website: / French version on
twistranet is an Enterprise Social Software. It's a Social Network you can use to help people collaborate. And it is also a nice CMS (Content Management System) with a social focus.
twistranet is published under the termes of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.
TwistraNet is written in PYTHON (> 2.4) It requires the Django Framework (as of writing, Django >= 1.2 is mandatory)
Other requirements:
- python-setuptools
- python-imaging (aka PIL)
- python-ldap, only if you want to authenticated against LDAP/Active Directory.
- Install requirements (Python, SetupTools and PIL)
- Download and untar (or unzip) twistranet from
- In the unzipped directory, just execute:
- (sudo) python ./ install clean
twistranet is now installed. You can have many sites with just one twistranet installation, so you need to explicitly deploy and bootstrap your new site.
- (sudo) twistranet_project <path_to_my_new_site>
Don't forget to write down your generated admin password!!
Your server should now be fully working and running on http://localhost:8000 !
If you want to start it again:
- cd <path_to_my_new_site>
- python ./ runserver
Installation is in fact a 2 steps process. You must install twistranet's core features as a python library, then you have to create a project (which is an instance of a twistranet site).
To install twistranet's core features:
- Download and install Python >= 2.4 (with setuptools)
- Download twistranet from
- Execute (as a superuser) ./ install clean ; this will normally install all dependencies.
To create a new project:
- In the directory you want your website files created, type "python twistranet_project -n [<template>] <project_path>",
- where <project_path> is the name of your site (it will be created by the process) ;
<template> is the name of the project template to deploy. Currently admitted values are:
- 'default' (which is... the default value), an empty project based on sqlite;
- 'cogip', a sample french-language project of a fictious company called COGIP.
The '-n' (or '--no-bootstrap') is an option to tell the twistranet_project script not to bootstrap it immediately (the bootstraping process is the initial database feed).
You can do it by hand once (and only once!) with the following commands:
Go to your <project_path>
Review the file and, change to whatever suits your needs.
Among other things, carefully choose your DATABASE scheme, your LDAP/AD settings and the 'admin' password that has been generated for you.
Execute "./ bootstrap" to build the database
Running Twistranet :
- Execute ./ runserver to start playing with twistranet.
- Point your browser at http://localhost:8000
To start twistranet in DEBUG mode, just declare a TWISTRANET_DEBUG environment variable before starting "runserver".
You can run twistranet without installing it (but you still need to install its dependencies).
This is useful if you want to work with a development version without installing it.
For example, if you want to run twistranet from the 'my_project' directory inside the twistranet source directory, do the following:
- Download twistranet ;
- Go into the twistranet directory (there should be a ./ file in there) ;
- Execute:
- python ./ my_project
- cd my_project
- ./ bootstrap --pythonpath ../twistranet
- ./ runserver --pythonpath ../twistranet
That's it :)
This is probably a problem with python-imaging installation. Just install PIL for your OS.
Under debian, the easiest is to do "apt-get install python-imaging".
If you've got this message, that means the autoinstall procedure of twistranet can't install django automatically. Just install django (see either from sources or from a package from your OS, and run "python install" again.
Seems that it is a python-2.5 related problem.
It's easy to set a new one.
- Stop your server
- Run ./ changepassword admin (and change your password)
- Start your server again
Email templates are inspired from MailChimp's Email-Blueprints ( We do love Mailchimp and strongly recommand it if you want a powerful mailing-list solution!