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gchemol is a graph-based chemical object library implemented in Rust programming language.

Build Status GPL3 licensed Built with Spacemacs


  • Fast and safe.
  • Easy to deploy in server environment.
  • core graph data structure using petgraph
  • read molecules in various formats using nom parser combinators
  • linear algebra backed by nalgebra
  • render molecule in user defined formats by templating with handlebars

How to use

install rust

follow the official guide:


add gchemol dependency to your Cargo.toml:

gchemol = {git = ""}

Edit molecule


use gchemol::Atom;

// construct from element and position
let a = Atom::new("C", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]);
let b = Atom::new("C", [1.2, 1.2, 1.2]);

or simply convert from a string:

let a: Atom = "C 1.0 1.0 0.2"
    .expect("atom from string");

set more attributes using the builder pattern

let a = Atom::build()
    .position(1.2, 1.0, 0.3)


  1. Creating a molecule manually

    use gchemol::Molecule;
    let atoms = [
        Atom::new("C", [ 0.000000,   0.000000,  0.000000]),
        Atom::new("C", [ 0.000000,   0.000000,  1.089000]),
        Atom::new("C", [ 1.026719,   0.000000, -0.363000]),
        Atom::new("C", [-0.513360,  -0.889165, -0.363000]),
        Atom::new("C", [-0.513360,   0.889165, -0.363000])];
    // create a molecule named methane
    let mut mol = Molecule::new("methane");
    // add atoms in a loop
    for a in atoms {
  2. Reading and writing molecules

    use gchemol::io;
    use gchemol::Molecule;
    use gchemol::prelude::*;
    // Read an xyz file and write to a Gaussian Input file.
    let mol = Molecule::from_file("path/to/file").unwrap();
    // get the total number of atoms
    let na = mol.natoms();
    // get the total number of bonds
    let nb = mol.nbonds();
    // read multiple molecules (trajectory) from a chemical file
    // the number of atoms in different frame could be different
    let mols = io::read("path/to/").unwrap();
  3. Coordinates

    let mut positions = mol.positions();
    positions[0] = [1.2, 1.0, 0.1];
  4. Sorted molecule

    create new molecule with all atoms sorted by element number (hydrogen last):

    let m = mol.sorted();

    to be continued …


  1. bonding connectivity

    let b = mol.get_bond(bond_index);
    let (a1, a2) =;
    let (atom_index1, atom_index2) =;
    let neighbors = mol.neighbors(atom_index);

    TBD: more …


build a periodic structure

use gchemol::Lattice;

// build lattice from lattice parameters
let lattice = Lattice::from_params
        3.84,                   // a
        3.84,                   // b
        3.84,                   // c
        120.,                   // alpha
        90.,                    // beta
        60.,                    // gamma

// build lattice from cell vectors
let lat = Lattice::new([
    [ 15.3643,   0.    ,   0.    ], // vector a
    [  4.5807,  15.5026,   0.    ], // vector b
    [  0.    ,   0.    ,  17.4858], // vector c

// set periodic boundary conditions for molecule

// remove periodic boundary conditions


use geoemtry::Alignment;

// superpose using a subset of structures
let reference = positions1[0..5];
let candidate = positions1[0..5];

// align candidate onto reference
let mut align = Alignment::new(&candidate);
let sp = align.superpose(&reference, None).unwrap();

// apply superposition to all atoms
let new = sp.apply(&candidate);


For syntax details: sunng87/handlebars-rust: Rust templating with Handlebars

molecule title


total number of atoms in molecule


total number of bonds in molecule


loop over atoms:

{{#each molecule.atoms as |a| ~}}
{{a.index}} {{a.symbol}} {{a.x}} {{a.y}} {{a.z}}

Atom index (a.index) is counting from 1.

element types (Fe 4, C 5 …):

{{#each molecule.element_types as |e| ~}} {{e.0}} {{e.1}} {{/each}}

elment index of atom (element index in element types array, counting from 1):


atom properties


cartesian coordinates

{{atom.x}} {{atom.y}} {{atom.z}}

fractional coordinates

{{atom.fx}} {{atom.fy}} {{atom.fz}}

unit cell parameters


format string or number:

{{format 12.16 width=12 prec=6 align="right"}}

alignment control:


Related projects

  • lumol
  • ase
  • pymatgen
