- Create Azure Container Registry (ACR) and Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) via Terraform.
- Build Docker Image with Dockerfile.
docker build -t ycetindilweatherapp.azurecr.io/weatherapp:latest .
- Push the image to ACR registry.
az acr login --name ycetindilweatherapp
docker push ycetindilweatherapp.azurecr.io/weatherapp:latest
- Create Deployment and Service by using the yaml file.
az aks get-credentials --resource-group weatherapp-rg --name weatherapp-aks
kubectl get nodes
kubectl create -f weatherapp-deployment.yaml
kubectl get svc
- Connect to the app by visiting the external ip of the service.
Once Azure Kubernetes Cluster is created , Azure automatically creates another resource group starts with "MC" to put the components of the cluster in. But puts the Kubernetes Service itself inside the resource group that we created.
Developer of the App: Hamza KOC