PHP Wrapper to use the API
Require via Composer
composer require loopline-systems/closeio-api-wrapper
// you can optionally pass in api endpoint as init argument (it defaults to '')
$closeIoConfig = new CloseIoConfig();
$closeIoApiWrapper = new CloseIoApiWrapper($closeIoConfig);
$leadsApi = $closeIoApiWrapper->getLeadApi();
// create lead
$lead = new Lead();
$lead->setName('Test Company');
$lead->setDescription('Company description');
// address
$address = new Address();
$address->setAddress1('Main Street');
// contacts
$contact = new Contact();
$contact->setName('Testy Testersson');
$contact->setTitle('Chief Tester');
// emails
$email = new Email();
// phones
$phone = new Phone();
$response = $leadsApi->addLead($lead);
$opportunity = new Opportunity();
$opportunity->setNote('My note on this opportunity');
// you can use the leadApi to get ID for leads
$opportunityApi = $this->apiWrapper->getOpportunityApi();
$result = $opportunityApi->addOpportunity($opportunity);
$activityApi = $this->apiWrapper->getActivityApi();
// SMS
$sms = new SmsActivity();
$sms->setText('first sms');
// EMails
$email = new EmailActivity();
$email->setSubject('RE: Support');
$email->setSender('Support <>');
$email->setTo('Customer <>');
$customField = new CustomField();
$customField->setId('Custom field id')
$customField->addChoice('Value for choices list');
$customFieldApi = $this->apiWrapper->getCustomFieldApi();
$result = $customFieldApi->updateCustomField($customField);
Right now just a few request are implemented, because the main need was to create leads. Feel free to add requests and create pull requests or go on forking the repo.
We use for our release names, so don`t worry they have no special meaning :)
PHP 5.6.0 or above
Michael Devery -
Marco Roßdeutscher -
Marc Zahn -
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
The API Wrapper is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
! We are not affiliated with itself.