SDK and CLI for BlinkStick
/!\ Work in progress.
- Blinckstick Nano
- Blinckstick Flex
- Blinckstick Strip & Square
Blink - Command Line for Blinkstick
blink [command]
Available Commands:
color Color list
device device <command>
flex flex <command>
nano nano <command>
strip strip <command>
update Update blink to the latest release version: blink update
version Display Version of blink: blink version
--log-level string Log Level : debug, info or warn
Use "blink [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ blink nano --help
nano <command>
blink nano [flags]
blink nano [command]
Available Commands:
color Color a blinkstick nano: blink nano color [<color>] [--brightness=n] [--top=<color>] [--bottom=<color>] [--serial=s] [--duration=n] [--repeats=n] [--blink]
list List all blinkstick nano
$blink nano color --help
Color a blinkstick nano:
Set the same color for both led with 50% brightness :
blink nano color orange --brightness 50
Set a color for bottom Led and another for top Led:
blink nano color --bottom red --top green
blink nano color --top purple --brightness 1
blink nano color --bottom red --brightness 100
blink nano color green --brightness 12
blink nano color --serial BS008173-3.0 --duration=500 --repeats=10 --brightness 30 --blink --bottom red
Turn off light:
blink nano color black
blink nano color [flags]
--blink Blink LED
--bottom string Color for botton led
--brightness int Limit the brightness of the color 0..100 (default 1)
--duration int Set duration of transition in milliseconds (use with --blink) (default 100)
--repeats int Number of repetitions (use with --blink) (default 10)
--serial string Select device by serial number. If unspecified, action will be performed on all BlinkSticks Strip
--top string Color for top led: blink nano color red
$ blink flex --help
flex <command>
blink flex [flags]
blink flex [command]
Available Commands:
color Color a blinkstick flex: blink flex color [<color>] [--brightness=n] [--led=n] [--serial=s] [--duration=n] [--repeats=n] [--blink]
list List all blinkstick flex
$ blink flex color --help
Color a blinkstick flex:
Set the same color for all leds with 50% brightness :
blink flex color orange --brightness 50
Color led 0 and 7
blink flex color red --led 0 --led 7
blink flex color powderblue
blink flex color powderblue --brightness 60 --blink --repeats 1
blink flex color ghostwhite --led 0 --led 2 --led 3 --led 5 --led 7 --led 11 --led 13 --led 17 --led 19 --led 23 --led 29 --led 31
Turn off light:
blink flex color black
blink flex color [flags]
--blink Blink LED
--brightness int Limit the brightness of the color 0..100 (default 10)
--duration int Set duration of transition in milliseconds (use with --blink) (default 100)
--led intSlice Led to manipulate: 0..7. If unspecified, action will be performed on all leds
--repeats int Number of repetitions (use with --blink) (default 10)
--serial string Select device by serial number. If unspecified, action will be performed on all BlinkSticks Flex
Idem as flex, but max led is 7.
$ blink strip --help
strip <command>
blink strip [flags]
blink strip [command]
Available Commands:
color Color a blinkstick strip: blink strip color [<color>] [--brightness=n] [--serial=s] [--duration=n] [--repeats=n] [--blink]
list List all blinkstick strip
$ blink strip color --help
Color a blinkstick strip:
Set the same color for all leds with 50% brightness :
blink flex color orange --brightness 50
Color led 0 and 7
blink flex color red --led 0 --led 7
blink flex color powderblue
blink flex color powderblue --brightness 60 --blink --repeats 1
blink flex color ghostwhite --led 0 --led 2 --led 3 --led 5 --led 7
Turn off light:
blink flex color black
blink strip color [flags]
--blink Blink LED
--brightness int Limit the brightness of the color 0..100 (default 10)
--color string Color for top and bottom led: blink strip color red
--duration int Set duration of transition in milliseconds (use with --blink) (default 100)
--led intSlice Led to manipulate: 0..7. If unspecified, action will be performed on all leds
--repeats int Number of repetitions (use with --blink) (default 10)
--serial string Select device by serial number. If unspecified, action will be performed on all BlinkSticks Strip
for i in `./blink color list`; do echo $i && ./blink flex color $i; done;
contains SDK$GOPATH/src/
contains CLI
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd blinkstick
go install ./...
blink version
You've developed a new cool feature? Fixed an annoying bug? We'd be happy to hear from you! Make sure to read before.
This work is under the BSD license, see the LICENSE file for details.