A LALR(1)/LL(1)/LL(K) parser generator for javascript
- xtemplate: an extensible template engine
- json: es5 compliant javascript implementation of JSON parser
- excel formula engine: excel formula engine
npx kison@latest -g xx-grammar.js
cal-grammar.js: support operator precedence
module.exports = {
productions: [
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['primaryExpression'],
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['exp', '^', 'exp'],
action() {
return {
v: Math.pow(this.$1.v, this.$3.v),
l: this.$1,
r: this.$3,
op: '^',
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['exp', '-', 'exp'],
action() {
return { v: this.$1.v - this.$3.v, l: this.$1, r: this.$3, op: '-' };
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['exp', '*', 'exp'],
action() {
return { v: this.$1.v * this.$3.v, l: this.$1, r: this.$3, op: '*' };
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['exp', '/', 'exp'],
action() {
return { v: this.$1.v / this.$3.v, l: this.$1, r: this.$3, op: '/' };
symbol: 'exp',
precedence: 'UMINUS',
rhs: ['-', 'exp'],
action() {
return { v: -this.$2.v, op: 'UMINUS' };
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['exp', '+', 'exp'],
action() {
return { v: this.$1.v + this.$3.v, l: this.$1, r: this.$3, op: '+' };
symbol: 'primaryExpression',
rhs: ['(', 'exp', ')'],
action() {
return this.$2;
symbol: 'primaryExpression',
rhs: ['NUMBER'],
action() {
return { v: Number(this.$1) };
operators: [
['left', '+', '-'],
['left', '*', '/'],
['right', '^'],
['right', 'UMINUS'],
lexer: {
rules: [
regexp: /^\s+/,
token: '$HIDDEN',
regexp: /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\b/,
token: 'NUMBER'
- LL(1) and LL(K) support:
- direct left recursive
- operator precedence
- repeat notation(*/+)
- optional notation(?)
- group notation('('/')')
- alternative natation('|')
- LL(K) extra support:
- lazy repeat notation(*?/+?)
- lazy optional notation(??).
const startGroup = `'('`;
const endGroup = `')'`;
const alternative = `'|'`;
module.exports = () => ({
productions: [
symbol: 'program',
rhs: ['statements'],
symbol: 'statements',
rhs: [startGroup, 'exp', 'NEW_LINE', endGroup + '*'],
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: [
'exp', '+', 'exp',
'exp', '-', 'exp',
'exp', '*', 'exp',
'exp', '/', 'exp',
'exp', '^', 'exp',
label: 'binary-exp',
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['-', 'exp'],
precedence: 'UMINUS',
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['NUMBER'],
symbol: 'exp',
rhs: ['(', 'exp', ')'],
operators: [
['left', '+', '-'],
['left', '*', '/'],
['right', '^'],
['right', 'UMINUS'],
lexer: {
rules: [
regexp: /^\n/,
token: 'NEW_LINE',
regexp: /^\s+/,
token: '$HIDDEN',
regexp: /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\b/,
token: 'NUMBER',
: generate es module-g
: grammar file-m
: ll or lalr or llk (llk is powerful than ll but less performant!)--babel
: use babel to transform code. need install @babel/core@7.x and @babel/preset-env manually--declaration
: generate d.ts type file for LL parser
npx kison@latest -g cal-grammar.js
ll parser generator
npx kison@latest -m ll -g cal-grammar.js
- support incremental parser
- support '-m llk' support LL(K)
- support
to generate d.ts type for LL
- add $HIDDEN token type
- use js config file
- add excel formula demo
- support filter for lexer config
- support operator precedence
- support LL parser
- support direct left recursive elimination and extract common prefix for LL
- support parser tree auto return even if partly error
- optimize error debug info