DisplayLink driver installer for Debian GNU/Linux
DisplayLink releases its drivers only for Ubuntu, and latest kernel version they support is 3.19.
- Allows you to seamlessly install and uninstall DisplayLink drivers on Debian GNU/Linux.
How? Just run the script! (as regular user)
but first make sure following dependencies are installed:
apt-get install unzip linux-headers-$(uname -r) dkms lsb-release
Downloads and extracts contents of original [DisplayLink Ubuntu driver] (http://www.displaylink.com/downloads/ubuntu.php>)
displaylink-debian.sh will modify contents of original displaylink-installer.sh and customize it for Debian. After which install/uninstall is performed.
Supported platforms are:
- Debian: Jessie/Stretch/Sid regardless of which kernel version you're using.
Blog post: Kernel agnostic, DisplayLink Debian GNU/Linux driver installer (Jessie/Stretch/Sid)